Crikey! The Dingo Ate My Baby!

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July 14th 2008
Published: July 14th 2008
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Hello Hello!!

I just spent 6 dollars for 30 minutes of time on the internet, so I don't have much time to update. And just for all of you who have been bugging me, I will be putting up pictures next weekend, you will just have to wait! But don't worry, they are all amazing and beautiful and will be sure to make you insanely jealous of me 😊

Every day I keep reminding myself how incredibly lucky I am to be here. It is absolutely amazing and definitely a dream come true. I couldn't be happier.

I was a mature traveler and got over the whole ticket mishap, a really nice car was waiting in Brisbane to take us to meet up with our group (3 other people were on the flight with me). So, we met up with them at the Steve Irwin zoo, which was really cool, but since we were late, we only got to see the Croc show, which featured Steve's American wife Terry, and his daughter Bindi. It was really fun. After that, we got on a bus for 3 hours, then took a 45 minute ferry to Fraser Island. We stayed at this AWESOME hotel (wait til you see pics) and we watched a gorgeous golden sunset from the jetty (aka the pier). While on the jetty, me and the 3 others I were with met this older Australian couple and we sat down and had a beer with them and talked for an hour. You literally cannot stop these people from talking to you and asking about you... I love it! Later that nite on the island we took a bus to the Dingo Bar which was a blast... and then I went back to bed at 11.

8am was go-time the next morning and we were on an all-terrain bus all day. The pictures I have are absolutely incredible. We drove on and along the beach for a long time (this all on Fraser Island), went to Eli Creek, which is a crystal clear fresh water creek and waded through it back to the ocean, walked through a jungle, saw a shipwreck, and ended the day at Lake McKenzie, which is an INCREDIBLE fresh water lake in the middle of the island... google it for now because you'll have to wait to see the pics. The water was pretty cold but we all swam anyways.

After that we took a ferry back to the mainland then got back on our bus for our 11 hour trek up to the Whitsunday Islands. So we were here at 5am and I have been up since. The ferry to our island this morning was SO pretty and it reminds me alot of the Virgin Islans. Lots of big mountain like hills, crystal clear water, and palm trees and hammocks everywhere. I am going to go kayaking after I get off the computer (for free, thank God... it's a little more expensive here than I anticipated). But so far, we have fit in SO much in the first 2 days of our trip.

Tomorrow we are doing a day trip to Whitehaven beach... google that too because I'm pretty sure you'll pee your pants for me 😊 I love you all, keep leaving me comments and let me know what else you want to know about this amazing island!! Also, feel free to call anytime because incoming calls are free for me! I'm usually up early in the mornings too.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Keep saving your money so you can come visit me, you don't want to miss out on this place 😊


14th July 2008

We Want Pictures
P.S.- Stop peeing your pants, it is getting ridiculous.
16th July 2008

So Proud of You
Kara, I'm so proud of you. I just checked out your blog and I'm loving it. It's like a soap opera. I will be praying for you and your travels. I know that God is watching over you and that you'll have every thing you need throughout this journey. Don't forget to say your prayers!!! Love you Little Sis.

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