So I made it..

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Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich
July 6th 2008
Published: July 7th 2008
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Window SeatWindow SeatWindow Seat

View from my seat leaving O'Hare
So I made it; at least to Munich. I’m waiting to board my flight to Florence. The flight over here wasn’t all that bad. I sat next to a Greek gentleman, and that was interesting, to say the least. But I do have to say that I had the best seat: 33K, a window seat right next to the wing. It was the perfect seat for my first international flight.

And I do have to say Lufthansa is awesome. The seats were comfy, even though they were cramped. Every person had their own personal TV with movies, music, and other stuff to watch. They served us two meals and the food was actually good! The stewardesses were really nice too. I didn’t sleep very well, but I’ve never been the type of person who can easily sleep in class or on the train. Right now it’s midnight back home, but it’s 7:00 a.m. here. I’m not too tired yet, but I’m sure it will hit me.

I’ve already been able to try out some of my Italian. There’s a little café around the corner from my boarding gate and I had a nice strong cup of black coffee. It was molto bene! I freaked at first when the guy behind the counter started in with “Buongiorno!” I very quickly said “Good morning” and then immediately felt stupid because this was my chance to blend in and here I was clearly tagging myself as a foreigner. However, I quickly recovered and after I enjoyed my coffee I asked the guy “Quanto?” (“How much?”) and the I paid the man 2,60 euros for 5 sips of coffee. It may have been expensive, but believe me, it was worth it.

Well that’s all for now. I’m going to go over my homemade Italian flash cards so I don’t have another freak-out moment with the taxi driver later on today.



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10th July 2008

I loved looking @ the pictures! Can't wait to see more!!

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