I'm here!

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Oceania » Australia
June 23rd 2008
Published: June 23rd 2008
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Hi guys,

Checking in so everyone knows that I made it safely. Tried to check my email and email everyone back who emailed me. We arrived in Sydney around 8:30am yesterday morning and then flew at 11:00am (yesterday) to Darwin where we arrived at about 3:00pm. We then drove to the Alatai Apartments (2 bedrooms, kitchen, etc.) and have been there ever since.

The flight wasn't bad... good food, surprisingly. I've gotten meals on each of my flights thus far (4 total flights/meals) and the long flight ended up only being about 15 hours instead of the original 19 hours that I thought it was. The only bad part of the trip thus far was flying out of Houston... very turbulent and rocky. Also, my bag didn't make it on our flight from Sydney to Darwin, so it came early this morning and I picked it up earlier today. Not bad though, just didn't have any underwear, shampoo/conditioner, etc. Ugh!

I'm going to pay for the activities that I want to do today at orientation. Turned out to be about $418 to go to the Blue Mountains, Dolphin Trip, Surfing Lessons, Rugby Game, Dancing Performance at the Opera House, Wine Tasting (and Kangaroo/Koala Bear petting) ... and some other things too. I really wanted to go to the Zoo and spend the night but it's $154 and it conflicts with the Blue Mountain trip... so, I can't do that.

We're meeting in about 15 minutes to go to Orientation. I'm going to try to buy a calling card as well and make some phone calls, but for now, as I've mentioned in emails to people, internet is $1.00/15 minutes. So it'll be limited use.

Dad -- I forgot to mention this in the email. Can you tell the Credit Union that I'm in Australia. I don't know if they're going to mark the credit card as fraud, but that's happened to a couple people thus far and incase I need to use the credit card, ... can you do that? Ha ha. Thanks! Have fun in Chicago by the way!

Umm... I have 10 more minutes... so what else to talk about? I like this, it's like one massive email to everyone who's subscribed!

We went to the Mindl (I think that's the spelling) Beach Markets last night... the sunset was beautiful... definitely nothing that I've ever seen before. I took a couple pictures but needed to get new batteries (which I did). Things are expensive here, although I guess I'm used to WalMart at school, which seems to be cheaper.

My roommates are cool, there's three other girls at the Alatai Apartments... which are nothing special, if you ask me. One's from Miami University of Ohio, one's from PITT and then the other is from Purdue. All nice girls.

The jetlag was not too bad... I'm functioning (tired now though) so that's good.

I'm glad to be here but I miss you all at home!!

Email me!!! I'll try to call when I can and I'll try to get some postcards out as well...

We're meeting soon, so I'm going to go get changed. I will update when I can!



23rd June 2008

Glad you're settled...
Thanks for the good update. I hope all those extras are not going to be expected or offered the entire six weeks, or you will be broke in no time. Good that you are taking advantage of what you can, don't worry about buying us things, bring back memories and pix. Will try to put some batteries in the mail, what else might be appreciated? Keep dropping hints about costs, you'll probably get a tangible response!! I don't think the cost for the internet is too ridiculous. Glad to know you are there safely and already digging in to the fun stuff. Love, Mom
26th June 2008

Stay safe!
Hey girl-so happy to hear you are there safe and sound. Will check my emails daily to hear from you--so glad I'm on the list!
27th June 2008

Love the pictures
Libby, The photos are great and I'm so glad that you signed up for this blog. It's a great way to stay in touch. it sounds like you're having a great time! We can't wait to hear all of the stories when you return. I'm safely back from Chicago and I too had a good time although not nearly as good as the one you must be having! Lionel Ritchie was outstanding I'll write again soon.

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