Costa Rica - Volcanoes, Jungles & Beaches

Published: June 17th 2008
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Well I´m gone again, on another adventure. This time I´m travelling for 16 weeks Central and South America.
Saturday I flew to San Jose, Costa Rica Spent a couple days visiting with friend of mine, Krista and her roommate Ashley. They have been down here since January, teaching English.Sunday we went visited Pose Volcano. Monday I jumped a bus to the pacific coast to a town called Quepos, near Manuel Antonio National Park.I spent the last 3 days here Great spot to spend a couple of days. Amazing weather, pristine beaches, beautiful sunsets and lots of stuff to do. Tuesday I spent White Water Rafting. It was no Ottawa River but I had fun. Thursday I will be heading to Nicaragua with Krista and Ashley. They needed to renew their Visa (leave the country for 72 hours then reenter). They didn´t have to ask me twice, to spend a couple days in Nicaragua. Always up for a adventure.

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17th June 2008

As always......
Well, what can I say, the obligitory beer shot has been added, so I know you are well on your way to another adventure! Here's hoping that it is just as wonderful as you hope it to be! xo J
17th June 2008

Life is a game. And traveling is a part of game. The word Traveling surely sends shiver down the spine because words like Adventures, sport, fun, Enjoyment are always associated with it. Most people (generally).. Visit At:marmaris
18th June 2008

wish i was there
Hi Tim i am enjoying watching your adventures. keep takeing pictures they are beautiful.
25th June 2008

Hey brother, looks like all is well in the southern part of the world! Only got a chance to view your blog now, have been very busy. Pics are amazing as always and like I say, get home in one piece! Cheers!
30th June 2008

I enjoyed looking through your pics. I am hoping to take a trip soon, possibly to Columbia where I have a friend or two to visit. Enjoy the trip and be safe. Johnny
2nd August 2008

Miss ya buddy
Hey there Mr. Becker... things are well here in Nova Scotia and we have been thinking about you a lot.... I think you should detour through halifax on your way home... miss ya buddy... have a great trip! Kev

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