Full-time Job!!

November 20th 2005
Published: November 20th 2005
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Hi Everyone!!
Well finally I have secured a full time job! It is not anything in film, however it does allow me to earn enough money to pay rent and pay for anything else I need. I work as a cleaner at an apartment building called Orange Apartments. I go 9-4 Monday through Friday. The work isn't too bad, I mostly sweep, vacuum, mop and dust. Then in the afternoons they have different jobs for me to do everyday, this past week I washed windows, cleaned a room so a girl could move into it, and scrubbed scuff marks off the walls and doors on some of the floors. The upside is that I have work until the end of their summer ( basically until February) which works perfectly with my visa since I can only work for one employer for a maximum of 3 months. I am also getting paid 12$ an hour. It works really well with my schedule since in Jan/Feb alot of film productions will begin and I will become a member of the Crew Booking Agency which will help me get a job in film. Also I already feel some muscles forming from all the mopping and vacuuming I have to do!! I feel much better now that I am secure in a job. Sadly I do have some more spider news to update on! I feel like starting a weekly newspaper for the 8 legged beasties that apparently happily reside here. I am sure there would be some interesting articles in " The Spider Times" like ' Emily's Shampoo- love it or hate it?' or 'How to sleep in Emily's pillow without being caught'. Anyway the latest update is that on Tuesday night I was getting dressed to go to a BBQ with my friend John and as I am pulling my pink hoodie around my shoulders I spotted something dark in the corner of the inside. I thought it must be a piece of lint or dust but I looked anyway and to my unpleasant surprize saw an extremely large spider hanging there. I would like to say I acted cool but the size of this spider immediatly evaporated any chance of suaveness. I screamed and threw the sweatshirt across the room and dashed out in my bare feet to the street where my flatmate Rodney and his friend Joe were working on Joe's car. They came into my room and brought the sweatshirt outside, Joe found the spider and exclaimed loudly that it was a White Tail. ( One of the most dangerous of NZ spiders) he immediatly smashed it with a rock and then flicked it off for good measure. The day was saved but I was left feeling uneasy ( which I still do) as to how this white tail managed to find it's way into a folded sweatshirt in the bottom drawer of my chest of drawers. I have not seen anymore big spiders since tuesday but I know they are here, I can feel them watching me. And now to add more paranoia to my routine room 'spider checks' I now throughly check every article of clothing before I put it on. Better safe then sorry, I think.
Also I have been invited to spend Thanksgiving Dinner with the Berrymans at their house with their family. I am very excited about this because I was thinking that I was going to have to miss out on Thanksgiving. Although I will miss being with my family and miss the sweet potato cassarole I am glad to be invited to the Berrymans, and I will be baking a pumpkin pie to take along with me to dinner. Before the invitation I was actually thinking about cooking my own Thanksgiving dinner, and for those of you who are aware of my cooking skills, this is a perilous thought. Well that is about all for now, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! Love Emily


22nd November 2005

a white tail!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Emmie, got your latest blog. It's funny to read about the spiders,but not when I know how poisonous they are. Can you get spray to kill them?

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