Finally an update....

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Oceania » Papua New Guinea » Central
April 28th 2008
Published: April 28th 2008
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Hello over there!!!

So God is truly amazing!!!
Sorry for the long gap of silence, we had no consistant access to the internet until today.
We are all doing well, every one is safe and encouraged.
The Port Morseby COC, Gumine COC, Mogiagi COC, Brisbane Australia COC, and the Sydney COC all send their love to all of you back in Detroit, they are totally united with us by the Holy Spirit.

So far we have had an awesome time fellowshiping with the disciples here, evanglising the communities and campus, the conference was amazing!!!!

There are so many more stories to tell and pictures to share that this internet connection will not support but they will all be ready by churchwide when we return.

Just some important info: our return flight from LA is on Northwest Airlines, flight #330. We arrive at aprox 607pm. So if you are responsible for someones transportation or would like to come and welcome us home, thats the info.

Love and miss you all, will see everyone soon.... I can not wait to share with you all the things we have done as well as hear about whats been going on while we were away.

I will get out of the way to let others post their thoughts now, so there will soon be an influx of postings coming soon



28th April 2008

Flight Time
I miss you all so much and I will be at the airport, and no, I won't be picking anyone up, I miss you guys......

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