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November 11th 2005
Published: November 20th 2005
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Well, it's been a year working as a waitress and my professional job in HR. Next Friday is my final pay day and my last day at work!!! I can not wait. It became so real when I handed in my notice.

So, I have 3 weeks to go and have pretty much everything sorted. I have a more few things to buy and currency to order. Once that's done I'm on my way!

First stop Fiji......I wanted to choose somewhere totally random where not a lot of people would go. Hmmmm turns out I'm not so imaginitive, as it seems like Fiji is everyone's stop on a round the world trip, and they have even set a celebrity game show there!!! Oh well, I still can't wait. The plan is to learn to Scuba Dive here as well as enjoy the culture, the scenery, the sun and the sea. I keep telling people that white sands are preferable to white snow on Christmas day, but I will miss the mulled wine by the fire, the slightly burnt turkey and the spuds not quite cooked, but hey I'll be lying on a beach on an exotic island- Christmas will come again next year!!


12th December 2005

1st to comment
Just wanted to be the first to comment. Hope Fiji is fabulous. It snowed here the other other day so white sands versus white snow may not be that far from the truth. Keep smiling x

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