Snowy Rockies

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April 21st 2008
Published: April 24th 2008
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Bison at Elk Island Nat.ParkBison at Elk Island Nat.ParkBison at Elk Island Nat.Park

Here is a photo to go with the "hayburgers" entry.

Just when you think it is spring to stay, winter grabs you with another wallop! No matter how snowy and cold it has been, the mountains in Jasper and Banff were still spectacular as ever! We heard that the bears are now out of hibernation over here. So we've carried our bear spray with us on a walk in Jasper. We saw some prints, but they ended up being wolf prints in the fresh big wolf!
The Icefields Parkway between Jasper and Banff was very picturesque and our last 20 km was very icy. Captain Dave drove nice and slow and we made it safely into Banff. The other drivers, however, were rather reckless and chose the path of speed, ending up in the snow bank and ditches. I think they may have close the highway after that. We just squeaked through!

Just to back up alittle, we'd like to thank some people who have been great hosts! Big thanks to Terry and Annette in Hinton, AB! Another thanks to Dan and Lori in Jasper, AB! And Marlene, in Edmonton, it was awesome to see you, hope to see you again on our return route!

Additional photos below
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big wolf print!big wolf print!
big wolf print!

Valley of the 5 Lakes Trail, Jasper, Alberta There was no sign of little red riding hood! hmmm....
Banff, AlbertaBanff, Alberta
Banff, Alberta

The winter gear was revived!
Our cozy bed in the vanOur cozy bed in the van
Our cozy bed in the van

chillaxin' in Banff after a brisk walk before bed.

27th April 2008

Beautiful pics !!
Hey guys....what beautiful pictures!! I want some copies of those snowy peaks and the wolf print ( my fav animal after cats of course!!) I know you're having a great time!! We are very nervous right now having dealt with a 4.7 magnitude quake approx 6 miles from our house on Fri. Reno has been experiencing quakes since the last week of Feb and this "swarm" according to seismologists is very unusual, b/c we have had tons of little ones leading up to that big one when it is usually the reverse. Our vehicles are packed with supplies and parked on the driveway ready to go. Aargh...I'd rather be having your adventuree than ours right now !! xoxo Marcy
29th April 2008

Holy cummoly, Marcy! Just don't fall into the precipice, if the ground opens up! yikes! I'll be sending some good "vibes" your way to help you. Love Theresa

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