j'adore paris!!!!!!!

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January 15th 2008
Published: January 15th 2008
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ahhhhhhhhhhhh paris! i seriously freaking love this place! i gotta tell you all about yesterday!! oh my goodness one of the craziest/ most random nights i've ever had that i'll definitely remember forever! ok so yesterday morning i took the metro to the notre dame. yyyyyeeeeaaaaahhhhh. sooooooo nice! i just walked around in complete awe and sat down in the sanctuary to pray for my dad. i think i might go back today... i just loved it so much! after that i took another metro to the eiffel tower!!!! wow how do i describe it??? standing under the eiffel tower is the most amazing feeling! so i took an elevator to the 2nd floor... apparently they close the top floor monday through friday. so if you go to paris, be sure to visit the eiffel tower on the weekend... and get there early! i managed to get there before the line got too terribly long. just listened to my ipod while i was waiting. 😊 ahhh technology! but even on the secing floor you're soooooo high up it's just insane!! i got some videos and lots of pictures of the whole city of paris that i'll definitely be sharing with everyone! yeah liz i definitely took enough pics of paris to satisfy even you! haha and to keep you infinitely jealous of my adventures of course!

after the eiffel tower i walked around for a while... picked up some lunch from a boulangerie (bakery) and headed up to the sacre coeur. it was very nice... the sacre coeur is located in this really quaint part of paris that is just so unique! i definitely suggest going there if you're ever in paris. so i walked along the park and the steps where they shot scenes from amelie! 😊 i climbed to the top and had my lunch on a bench overlooking the city. very surreal!

so i went to the train station to reserve my seat for barcelona. walked around the city for awhile.... umm when i got back to my room karen was there. she's from california! yay! so she and i went to the store to buy some dinner to cook. haha so we bought this tortelloni pasta that had parmigiana cheese and basil in it.... which of course happen to be 2 key ingredients in pesto.... well we didn't really think about it when we bought some pesto sauce to make it with. aww man. it was just too much! a pesto overload! so we forced ourselves to finish it... even now just thinking about it makes me shudder just a little! ick! but afterwards we had some oranges and bought a red and a white wine. so we sat in the lobby of the hostel and finished the red wine.. .which was AMAZING!!!!! wow. after that it was pretty late so santiago (our other roommate) and i decided to go to the eiffel tower to see it all lit up. so we packed up our wine and some glasses, and my ipod and his portable speakers and we headed out! haha when we got there we actually weren't sure if it was legal to drink outside in public but we opened up the bottle and poured a couple glasses anyway! haha and who should happen to come up as we're doing this? some french military men of course! but they just walked on by with a friendly ''bon soir!''... so yeah they didn't care! so we turned on some music and made a toast to the new year! haha it was soooooooo much fun! really really just a magical night! we took a ton of pics, a few videos... and we even danced like crazy people around the park! lol! awesome! oh and then, when 1am rolled around, the eiffel tower does this crazy sparkling light show every hour on the hour so that was REALLLLLLLLLY cool.. got a video of that too haha! afterwards we started to walk towards the city because this french guy told us about this really cool discoteque that was supposed to stay open really late. haha then we ran into some more french military guys on duty and took pictures with them! lol! they were sooo cool! yeah and they were drinking too! haha they had these little bottles of rum and vodka! man they were soo nice! seriously everyone i've met in france has been so super cool. i think you just need to have a good attitude and be friendly to people and you'll get the same back.

sooooooo anyway we walked all the way to that club but the entry cost was 20€!!! yikes!!! so yeah we didn't go in.. just took a taxi back to the hostel. so now i'm just getting ready to live it up and enjoy my last day here in paris! i'm sad to leave but i'll definitely be back and i'm taking stephanie with me haha! i'll write again when i get to barcelona! au revoir paris!


15th January 2008

i'll definitely be back and i'm taking stephanie with me haha! I love you!! Ok... so im defiantly jealous french military men....really!? thats HOT!

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