2nd day in Singapore

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Asia » Singapore
October 12th 2005
Published: October 12th 2005
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Hi all,

Hope ur all doing well,

Well yesterday was one of the longest of my life, we jumped on the Qantas flight about 10pm after Cam's folks dropped us off at the airport, a quick fairly smooth 7 hour fight with a bit of sleep here and there and suddenly we are in Singapore.............. (and yes we all had our own TV screens in front of us.. go Technology)

At 4am ....... Singapore has a fantastic metro system, but unfortunatly it didn't open until 6am, so 2 hours of coffees and wandering the airport terminal until the ride into town was possible.

Once we entered downtown we found a clean and neat backpackers to the centre of town (City Hall station) dumped our gear and took off exploring, the rapid transport system here is just amazing.. SYDENY take NOTE !!! It cost us 1 buck aussie to get from the airport to downtown, about a 25 min trip.

We arrived in Chinatown around 10am and had duck and a beer (And mum yes I know it was early but we were up since 3am, so It's JUSTIFIED) hehehe

Even at 2pm it felt like it was midnight to Cam and I. The food is amazing over here, and I'm sure there more to come... Cheap and so appetising.

We checked out Raffels and the waterside, Went up Santona island on a cable car, took touristy photos of sculptures etc.

Last night we had dinner beside the waterfront where everyone trys for ur buisness, free beer, percentage off the bill etc. etc. We had chicken curry in coconut (a real coconut)

After that, we went out to an english pub, but after a 19 hour day with not much sleep we we both fairly buggered, and hit the hay.

Today we went and visited Changi Prison, where all the poor old diggers and others were held during the Japanese occupation of Singapore during WW2. Unfortunatly this year they demolished the original prison to make way for an updated goal. But we checked out the museum and paid our respects...

And for the rest of the day we have been wandering all over the island, little India, we hit Orchard road, where I have never in my life seen so may shops.

We are flying to Cambodia tomorrow nice

The Guard of Singapore
and early.... and should see the splendors of ancient Angkor..........

Until the next entry.

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Cam and I on the top of the Merlion

12th October 2005

Don't you know its against the clan rules to have fun without the rest of us????
12th October 2005

Look forward to seeing the pics, chat later....

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