The Feuerzangenbowle...

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December 18th 2007
Published: December 23rd 2007
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Santa's a comin...Santa's a comin...Santa's a comin...

So cute... this whole country looks like Christmas threw up on it.. there really isn't any other way to describe it

So I have been slack since my last entry. Or rather I have been too busy sightseeing and studying Germany to even get online at all - yeah, that's right - the second option!!

Meg... I could not be more ashamed of you. Kel I give you minimal respect for at least knowing me well enough to know the Google and IMDB would hold the answer - to the the rest of you I award no respect and may god have mercy on your souls... (for a double or nothing chance at more respect - tell me what Adam Sandler movie that last line was a reference to... I'll give you a hint - the initials are B and M, and it's about a guy who returns to school as an adult... :P)

The Dragon was in reference to Meg's absolute all time favourite UK teen drama Press Gang, the episode where Spike gets to kiss Lynda is called 'At last... a Dragon' which itself was a reference to an earlier episode where Spike told Lynda that were they living in medieval times (or, you know, medIval :P) he would slay a dragon for her. So I
Loubna and ILoubna and ILoubna and I

wandering around the Fischerviertel... this is the most crooked guesthouse in Ulm
named my blog about first seeing snow in the freezing cold country that is Germany - 'At last... a dragon'.

Stupid yes, but why am I even explaining myself to you?

And parents, that's not news to anyone, I already blogged about my drunken Inala excursions like WEEKS ago on my myspace site... so ner!

Kristy... Fussen? Dragon slaying? Bread? What?

In other news... news that would seem more relevant to this actually being a blog about travels - I am in Germany! In Ulm! (well, I tell a lie, I am actually writing this days after the fact and now I'm in the Algau, but let's just keep that between you and I) I am in Ulm! and in Ulm they have Weihnachtmarkts! and I have spoken of them on here already, but one thing I hadn't tried until recently was the Feuerzangenbowle...

The Feuerzangenbowle is freaking cool as hell man! I first tried it after finding a fine friend (and a fine drinking buddy) in my course named Loubna. We hit the markets after our lesson and had like three gluhweins and then decided to hit the Feuerzangenbowle - or as we call
The MuensterThe MuensterThe Muenster

The cathedral and the markets
it - the thing with the fire... Sadly it wasn't yet dark, so the drink wasn't AS impressive as it was the next night when Warren, Christine and I met some of Warren's students for many a drink in the freaking freezing cold rain.

See, they get this special Gluhwein, and then they rest a spoon over the mug and place a sugarcube on it... then they pour rum over the top and SET IT ON FIRE!!!! The sugar melts, the alcohol burns, and then you drop the spoon in and it's like fireworks. It's pretty awesome... I nearly caught Loubna's hoodie on fire the last time we had one... and there are kids running around everyone's feet while they're carrying mugs of flame... that would never happen in Australia! Gotta love Germany!

Additional photos below
Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


Warren... the lesbianWarren... the lesbian
Warren... the lesbian

it's this thing... with your fingers... ah, you had to be there
the Feuerzangenbowlethe Feuerzangenbowle
the Feuerzangenbowle

bring the HEAT!!!
The freaky little spoon guyThe freaky little spoon guy
The freaky little spoon guy

holding a little spoon - hehe!
The StudentsThe Students
The Students

Warren with some of his students
Fire it upFire it up
Fire it up

with Loubna and Adeline

26th December 2007

Press Gang!
I remember that episode! Gotta love Julia Swalha and Dexter Fletcher... they had some chemistry going on. Sounds like you're having an awesome time over there - drinking up a storm, good stuff. Hope it keeps on going well and Warren's leg is ok... Merry Christmas!
27th December 2007

you really do look exactly like warren!
27th December 2007

Hey"Frohe Weihnachten!" Great photos and great reading!! Love you and miss you!
27th December 2007

Good times
Aww, The Puppy Who Lost His Way - Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.

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