Greetings from Ithaca!

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October 10th 2007
Published: October 10th 2007
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Well, I arrived in Syracuse late Sunday night and this is my first chance to get online. Now that I've finished reading the handful of emails I had I'll take a minute or two to wrap up the past couple of days.

First off, I was a bit worried coming out on Sunday because my tooth was really bothering me and I wasn't feeling well. I had a root canal last Tuesday afternoon and it took a turn for the worse Friday night. Saturday was pretty miserable and I felt pretty rotten - I was just thankful Teresa came over that night and motivated / helped me pack. And thanks, of course, to mom & dad for getting up at 0'dark-thirty to take me to the airport!! After a huge wait getting through the lines at PDX, I had a 5+ hr layover in Detroit Sunday...needless to say, by the time I landed in Syracuse I was exhausted.

We headed back to Julian's place and crashed out, as he had to work Monday anyway. That was perfect, as it gave me a chance to drive to Watkin's Glen to visit the Farm Sanctuary!! I dropped him at work and took off in his jeep to see the was about 85 out and very humid, and thankfully i was feeling better! I got out to the Farm Sanctuary grounds and met up with Julian's neighbor, who works there with her husband. She was nice enough to take me on a 3 hour private tour of the facilities!

It was wonderful...Jen was great and it was really touching to meet the animals they have on site. Check out their website at and look at J.D the piglet -- he is a sweetheart but SOOO much bigger than he was in those pictures!! I got several photos -- hopefully I can upload some in the next few days. In spite of the fact that I'm sad such places are needed, it was a fabulous visit and good to get up close and personal with some really spirited animals!

Today we were up early and around 1pm we took the bus up to the Cornell campus to see His Holiness the Dalai Lama speak. It was hot out and humid and a long wait in line, but the minute he entered the room and walked onto the stage, I had goosebumps. There was such a powerful, positive energy in that huge room, it was amazing. He spoke for almost 2 hours (there is an article here about today's event: and it is certainly far different to be in attendance than to see such an appearance on TV. Well, of course that is true for all things, but it was wonderful to be a part of.

We are lucky enough to see H.H.D.L twice tomorrow as well before we get on the bus for NYC. After a day goofing off in the Big Apple on Thursday, off we go to Delhi!! Not sure if I'll get another chance to pop online before we land over there, but that's what we've been up to so far. More later -- hope everyone is well!

~Cheers, Julie


10th October 2007

So glad you are feeling better and having fun. How wonderful to see H.H.D.L. once, let alone numerous times in just two days. Fantastic. Here comes India! Whee! teresa
11th October 2007

way to rock life!
julie, i look forward to living vicariously thru your e-mails.
14th October 2007

Glad you are doing well. What an adventure you are having!

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