
Published: October 1st 2007
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Just quickly, we arrived in London yesterday safe and sound. Very tired though..we left NY at 7pm, then had a 7 hour flight and didnt sleep, so we had to try and stay awake all day to adjust to the timezone (we arrived in London at 6.30am). We basically didnt sleep for at least 24 hours. Great fun. Then the bed we slept on was concrete. I know some people prefer that, but it didnt help us.

So now we are back at Heathrow to organise going out to Nuneaton for a few (relaxing) days. Looking foward to that. And its nice to be in a colder climate as well. IM WEARING A JERSEY!

This Friday we are heading up to Norway to see Abbeys mate ands her family, we've heard nice things about Norway so that should be fun as well. So the next week is going to be fairly cruisy compared to the States. Just what we need I reckon.

Anyways, outta time. Gotta train to catch.

Talk to you all later. Sounds like Morgans party was awesome

Jon and Abbey


3rd October 2007

Heya!! :)
It's great to read about your many adventures. Some of the pics were great as well. Finally got hold of the link for your blog from Phil, so yeah. From what I've heard, Morgan's birthday was all good. Didn't go myself, but I did drop off her present. Hooked up with the others afterwards to watch the ABs play Romania......well, more like run all over 'em. :) Sports update: The Phoenix won their 1st home game 4-1 against Perth (YEAH BABY! Now a football nut ^_^) and Wellington won their game over the weekend as well. Oh yeah, ABs cruised to the quarters with their 85-8 win. Norway next, eh? Well, looking forward to your next entry. Gotta go now. The both of you take care.

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