There comes a time when exploration is in your blood, waiting to flow through your heart.

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July 2nd 2007
Published: July 2nd 2007
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I’m on the eastern tip of Long Island. I see water stretched to puffy white clouds. I see an off color sail, slowly fading into a deep red orb sinking in the smooth and calm blues, swirling together to make a Monet like masterpiece; the sun will soon be sleeping. Overhead hangs a marbled moon, as if it were dangling on a fish hook, waiting for me to take the bait. I feel a warm but cooling breeze slightly nudging me to the inland. The sea grass is swaying back and forth, dancing in the blurred vision of my sleepy eyes. To my distant right I notice the Montauk Point lighthouse sending circles of light through my opaque tent. On my left is a man packing his bags, leaving unused firewood under a rose bush; He takes his time and kneels down on his way to the lot, his daughter runs up and tells me about how the park closes after dark; she then jumps in daddy’s arms. The park police routinely check this area but, I decide to stay, I can’t leave just yet. The fisherman in the sky is too tempting, this moonlit night is causing me to wish upon every last star; Silently I hope my family will be ok; I wish happiness for all the people I love, my voice breaks through my closed lips, “I wish you could be here with me, I wish I could be there with you; I wish we could be anywhere together.” REM, as my smile rests on the pillow… the first stage is coming to an end. Good night and sweet dreams. My stars are dimming, twinkling through my eyelashes.
Tomorrow morning I point my wheels west.

I hear it’s about 3,500 miles from coast to coast. I plan on stretching that to about 6 or 9 thousand. I'm prepared to handle all mishaps along the way. Maybe I’ll buy a pickup with good mileage, Camp gear, GPS, load up the cameras, burn some CD's and be on my way. Who’s with me?

time's running out for all you hopefuls. It could be one of the most amazing things you do in your life. Meet the people, see where in the country you might like to wind up, and see everything you silently wish you could. Suck it up. Stop making excuses. The time to at least plan this is upon us. I know many things on the subject.

We will start a list of supplies- We will start a list of mandatory stops. We will book rooms and/or plan for camp sites. Stop off at AAA for Road maps, trip tiks, Tour books... We will pinpoint certain bi-ways instead of highways, we will prepare to explore!


2nd July 2007

two hearts
Amazing intro! I miss you lots.

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