Happy Pills at 'Herbal Heaven'

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May 18th 2007
Published: May 18th 2007
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There are these "pill shops" everywhere around Christchurch selling "party pills". Usually these are small dark stores with old couches, disco decoration, and trippy looking salespeople. Eventually I had to check one out to see exactly what the heck these places are selling.

According to the saleswoman, New Zealand is one of the only places in the western world that legally sell "party pills", however, I checked and they're also legal in the UK and Canada. Althought, I definately haven't seen any stores like these back home. The pills target clubbers (no big surprise), and contain low doses of legal uppers.

Essentially there are two types of "party pills". The first contains straight BZP (benzylpiperazine), with effects similar to amphetamines. The pills came in various amounts, ranging from 100mgs to 250mgs, depending I guess on how much 'euphoria' you want to induce.

The second type of pill contains, in addition to BZP, TFMPP (3-Trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine). The saleswoman described the effects of this as "making you very happy and want to touch other people". I'm not sure how this differs from being horny, but apparently the feeling is similar to ecstasy, only you might be lucky enough to get
Inside the shopInside the shopInside the shop

Dark, creepy, with lots of pills for sale....very suspicious.
hallucinations as well! (BTW, I think this one is legal in Canada and the States, but I'm not sure).

The pills range from around 3$/pill to 40$/pill depending on the content and concentration. Ironically, when I volunteered for that amphetamine study at school THEY paid ME to take this stuff! Anyways, I'm not much of a clubber, and there are other things I'd like to spend money on (mainly food, gas, and maybe some skins for my skis). I'd bring some of these back for some of you folks at home, but I don't think that would fly with US customs.

I'll tell you if I decide to have some: "happy, safe, party fun" (as advertised in the window)!



8th June 2007

Dark and Creepy Indeed
Those shops are freky ae, loving the site! its Minta!!!!
27th May 2008

I took half of one while in NZ, and though I checked the contents then I couldn't remember for the life of me now what was in them. Your blog jolted my memory, cheers!

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