san sebatian is the new san diego!

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Europe » Spain » Basque Country » San Sebastián
May 20th 2007
Published: May 20th 2007
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hola dudes....this is the new beach town to chill out at. san sebastian was our first stop on train from bordeaux and the sun was out. that was already a good sign since our trip around france was gloomy.

this little resort town reminded me of santa monica pier and good old sd. it made me miss my college years and the BEACH! it was so nice to go to the beach when it was warm. i wish we could have stayed longer than 3 hrs.

from san sebastian we had to travel to bilbao...which has an amazing Gugginheim museum. its completely massive. very modern architecture. too bad we got to the city too late to go inside. bilbao for being a larger metropolitan area was pretty damn ghetto. the hostel/hotel we stayed at was in ghetto-ville but ended up being the most clean place we´ve stayed. it was like being in a cruise ship cabin or a dorm room. we even were able to do a load of laundry. but we were in and out like nobody´s business. left in the morning for BCN here....which has been the best stop so far...well paris was pretty cool....its paris right.

spain is more laid back and chill out. the food has been a little better but not the tastiest....but i learned that already from doing that spanish tapas cooking class in sf. very natural flavors....straight up ham and potato flavor....LOL. not too impressed yet. i´m really looking forward to the food in italy though. got my fill of gelato in spain though....time to put italy´s to the test.

the architecture in barcelona is fantastic. i wish i could post some pictured right now but the cpu unit at the hostel is locked in a metal box. the gaudi design is totally amazing. i´m so impressed. the mosaics and the very orginal structures are gorgeous. even if you dont know anything on the subject its super cool. took tons of pictures that i will love to show all of you.

we did a little bus tour of the city but rajiv got us thrown off about 2/3 through. he argued with the ticket girl and she blacklisted us from all the buses. literally called the other buses and told them not to let us on. shhesh...we just took the metro home but missed the olympic stadium. maybe 2m along with the pier area (la barceloneta). we´ve also met some cool people here in our 6 bed room. finally more company. it was a great change of pace. i think that rajiv and i are starting to get tired of each wanting to just chill out and soak it in and him always wanting to be on the go. i think walking for him needs to serve a purpose and i just like to people watch and window shop and stuff. good thing i´ve got no more space in my backpack for anything. the fashion in europe is just so exciting...not so cheap but cool anyways.



21st May 2007

Wow, you sure are doing a lot! I agree, I love to ppl watch in other countries. Hope all is well!

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