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Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne
May 3rd 2007
Published: May 3rd 2007
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14 baby!14 baby!14 baby!

Bobcat and I playing flippy coaster
The last was berlin right? well since then been hanging out a lot and getting out a little. Maria and I decided to nix the Amsterdam thing, since there was NO where to stay and we like sleep, so we went to Munich with Isaac (from the castle) and Bobcat instead. Ria really wanted to go, and I loved munich, so we were off. Took the train, well almost missed the train thanks to dudes sleeping in and losing wallets. but made it barley, played some sweet card games on the early train and waltzed into munich! Just as great as I remember. I love that city, wish i could spend weeks there. They happened to have a Spring Fest that weekend, so we went back to the good ole Oktoberfest grounds and walked around. Rode a ride and had some good grub. Walked down the main pedestraian street and found the Hofbrau Haus again. Had a few beers and giant pretzels. delicious! Had wonderful chinese food where I managed to spill a ton of soy sauce and didn't get a drop on me! Didn't really know what else to do, so... back to the Hofbrau! Love it. Drank a
one handedone handedone handed

It's heavy, but Maria handles it like a champ
few liters of beer to top off a good day. Next day headed off to the Olymipc stadium and gardens which was very cool and then to the Englisher Garten which is huge, and has the Chinese tower. Bobcat had half a chicken and the rest of us got ice cream and took a nap under the sun. Weather has been great here, lovin it!! Overall a great trip to Munich, a little sad to leave again.
Work has been a little crazy the last few weeks, but getting better every day. Our class has been functional most of this week, so thats great! and just in time for me to be leaving. Two more weeks until I come back to the states for an unknown period of time. kind of sad because I love traveling and living in europe! But don't get me wrong, i'm excited to see everyone again!
The next weekend was low key. Chilled out at the college bar on Friday night and got up on Saturday to go to Koln. What a bustling city! Didn't know it was that big. Drove there with friend Adam and Maria and we just took in the basic stuff.
rides at the spring festrides at the spring festrides at the spring fest

Isaac and I could hear them screaming from the ground
Saw the Dom (cathedral) and walked up the tower, over 1,000 steps!! man was it rough. But the view was great, and the church was the most impressive i think i've ever seen. walked around the big shopping area for a bit. Then we drove around until we found the chocolate museum/factory every one talked about, and that was pretty sweet. haha pun!! anyway... got some refreshments and then headed back home. Saturday night I ended up spraining my ankle hard core running (or trying to) up the stairs in the barracks. iced it that night, but it still ended up turing all shorts of shades of blue/black/purple and swelling up nicely. Actually went to the german Krunkenhaus (hospital clinicy thing) and the doc said that some ligaments are out of place. but that it's just a sprain and wrap it and stay off it. Right, like thats possible working at a CDC! doesn't really hurt, just looks awful. But, I digres.. Sunday a bunch of us went to the Bostalsee, a pretty big lake thats only about 15 min. away. We took barbeque stuff and chilled out on the sand all day! It was wonderful! walked in the water, played some gimp frisbee and cards.
Not sure of the plans for this weekend, Ria and I are pretty good at being spontanious. The next weekend hopefully I'll see Luxers again and then it's home! I'll blog again after I get back in the states! Weird! Miss everyone, hugs to all!!

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Photos: 15, Displayed: 15



More at the olympic grounds
Chinese TowerChinese Tower
Chinese Tower

oddly enough it took us awhile to find this in the giant park. it's surrounded by a beer garden and the oompah band was what helped us find it!
nap timenap time
nap time

cat naps in the beautiful weather. chillin in the english gardens
excited face!excited face!
excited face!

Isaac, Rene, Maria, Bobcat and I at the college bar Kadu. good times

playing cards at the beach, a wonderful sunday!

The cathedral in Cologne. It's beautiful! we were almost too close to take good pics though
chocolate factory/museumchocolate factory/museum
chocolate factory/museum

Mars bars and nutella! my favorite european chocolate things!
Sky Beach!Sky Beach!
Sky Beach!

In Cologne (Koln) on top of one of the department stores there is a beach bar! they trucked in sand and beds and comfy beach seats. pretty neato.

8th May 2007

Yay for coming home! We miss you!!
9th May 2007

I agree with AO, yay for coming home, we miss you!
14th May 2007

Wow! You seem to be having an amazing time traveling! I'm so jealous! I miss being in Europe:) Can't wait till you come home and hopefully I will get to see you...I'm living in Ames this summer. Guess what? I'm engaged!

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