Crikey, we're home!

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March 30th 2007
Published: March 30th 2007
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Well, that didn't last long, 6 months went like a week. We've got our bags and our off to Ipswich for the weekend, to get the car and some stuff we left at my parents. While we're at it, we'll have some home cooked food, maybe a Sunday roast.

We'll check the container and look at our belongings, before spending a couple of days in London. After all that, we'll need a holiday, so we are off to Braithwaite in the Lakes, to see the gang up there for some walking and drinking. We'll be back in London after Easter, looking for work and housing.

You can get Nic on 0777 607 6013 and Ady on 07970 511 608, as he has managed to get his lost number working again over the weekend.

We've still got a bit of work to do on the blog, so don't switch off just yet, but we hope you've enjoyed what we have been able to share.

Looking forward to catching up with all our family and friends in April!

Nic and Ady ! x x x


3rd April 2007

Welcome back
Have really enjoyed reading your blogs - can you continue this now you are home ??!!! Sounds like you have had the trip of a lifetime. I am sure that the excitement of wedding plans and finding jobs/house will now be occupying you for the next 6 months before you get itchy feet again ! Welcome home ! JAN x

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