and she shall always be known as…”the girl with the fish”

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March 8th 2007
Published: March 8th 2007
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Scuba DanScuba DanScuba Dan

The words coming out of my mouth were "take the damn photo!" - after treading water for god knows how long and Sian saying "OK... 1.................2...............................3............"
Entertainment in Thailand is cheap… all you need is a nice day… a boat… and a few pieces of bread.

This morning we were up the earliest we’ve been up since we left home… 7.30!!! Up early and on a bus by 8.30 heading towards a dock with about 12 speed boats in it. Our boat was fast… and thank god… we had a fair way to go and we passed quite a few Thai style Long Boats which looked like they were very loney, and going to take a few hours to reach what took us about 45 minutes.

I don’t know if the photos I have posted have done this place justice… but when I look at them I still feel like I did when I saw this place for real. Unbelievable… pure white sand against crystal blue water… crystal! I’m not saying that in a travel brochure, travel agent tone… I am saying crystal blue, no bullshit.

This was an island hopping tour… which basically meant “hopping” from one island to another after spending an hour or so on the beach… we visited the main island of Phi Phi, and a couple either side of
Airbrushed? I think not...Airbrushed? I think not...Airbrushed? I think not...

yes yes... it LOOKS like we should be in a brochure... (and I agree... I should)... but this is for real... so beautiful.
it. The first stop was the same island they used in that movie “The Beach”… which actually turned out to be the most average of all of them. But since this was our first stop we were none the wiser.

The second stop was actually in open water… a place called “Coral Bay”… where we did some snorkelling. Plunging into open, crystal blue water is a pretty easy thing to do when its 35 degrees… but Sian was a little hesitant. That crystal blue water is filled with tropical fish you see… lots of them. Sian had a little freak out, but nothing we didn’t get under control after a couple of minutes. She was beginning to enjoy herself when our tour operator threw bread at her from the side of the boat…. Attracting hundreds of hand sized tropical fish straight towards Sian. The freak out re-emerged and amongst the screams things like “OH MY GOD… OH MY GOD! THAT IS SO MEAN! OH MY GOD!” could be heard all across Coral Bay. Very funny for everyone else on the boat… not so funny for Sian.

The Germans on the boat found it particulalry funny, and one woman
Best seat in the house...Best seat in the house...Best seat in the house...

Luckily I was catered for... umbrellas a plenty to protect my pasty white skin... although they cost 50Baht (about $1.50) and no one else really uses them...
said in her broken English a few hours later… “oh, that was very funny… you will be known as the girl with the fish”. Sian now finds is quite funny herself.

This is the place we thought of when we thought of Thailand, and I’m so happy we are here. Krabi is beautiful but getting out to Phi Phi for the day was really lovely. I think then when the time comes to revisit Thailand, I will actually stay out there… although the accommodation all looks pretty expensive. It is the stuff you see in the brochures… and its instant relaxation… totally lush in every sense of the word.

This place makes me feel like listening to: “Now I Must Remember” - Bent

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Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


Who's this stunner?Who's this stunner?
Who's this stunner?

What can I say? Just a really lovely picture... = ) hehehe
More Boats...More Boats...
More Boats...

These guys were a bit slower than us... they left at the same time but got there 2 hours after us... they look nice but not my style... hehehe
anyone for a swim?anyone for a swim?
anyone for a swim?

It's not a swimming pool... its the side of one of those islands you see in the background of the other pics... not a bad way to cool off

8th March 2007

wish i'd been there!!
Sounds like a fab way to spend a day!.......Photos are excellent.
9th March 2007

i want to be back there!!!
hey dan! Pics look fantastic, stories are funny too! It makes me super jealous that you are back there. It was only 4 months ago... surely it it time to revisit?! Keep those stories coming! (and enjoy the sunshine before london...) frey xo :)
9th March 2007


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