Busy City

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Asia » Singapore
February 11th 2007
Published: February 12th 2007
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1 day in Singapore enough?

We got into Singapore airport on the 10th of February at 1:30 am do to the joys of traveling via discount airlines such as Jetstar. Since it was late, and we were in an expensive and unfamiliar city we decided to spend the night at the airport. We found the most comfortable chairs we could and tried to get some shut eye.

That morning I woke up to a busy airport full of people checking in prior to catching their morning flights. I was a little drowsy, so I walked a few short strides and grabbed a coffee. We then got on the MRT (skytrain) and went to find a backpackers in.

We dropped off our bags at the hostel, and then immediately began to check out as many sites as we could in one day which included, the Senota aquarium, Cable car ride, Science world, Imax dome theater, and Chinese New years. I think we pretty much went all over Singapore on the MRT or atleast got the quick tour. Have a look at the pics, Its check out time so I better run to pack my bags, and then we are off to find a way into Kuala Lumpur. Talk to you in Malaysia.


Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


Chinese New yearsChinese New years
Chinese New years

Year of the Boar!
Tiger sharksTiger sharks
Tiger sharks

also at the aquarium, but this was the view walking through an underwater tunnel.

12th February 2007

Those are Pomelos, not Melons! :D
12th February 2007

hello bro
glad to see your havin fun all your pics look great. Karrah is going down town today to get my passport papers so hope fully i will be over soon and we can do a little surfin and some snorkling, work said its no issue for the time off (gotta luv the job force shortage up here i can do what ever i want and the company supports me). Im at work right now on over time and just had an two hour nap, i feel refreshed. i been showin the guys your pics, there are more than a few of us who are pretty jelous. take car bro and be nice to jordan lol.
13th February 2007

did you get caned?
hey buddy, your trip is sounding sweet so far, its bringing back memories of when i was on bali and lombok 13 years ago. still looks super sweet. surfing looks rad as well. im getting jeoulous of seeing those pics, been over a month now for me with no board. you addicted to it yet? oh yeah check if nas and i are on your mailing list cause we are not getting email updates. keeper real...
14th February 2007

15th February 2007

I'm coming too
So I was thinking i may come and meet you for the last little bit of your trip...drop me a e-mail and let me know what your last few weeks are looking like..where your gonna be etc.

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