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February 4th 2007
Published: February 4th 2007
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Barcelona is a beautiful city of many contrasts. I'm sorry to have left it behind and especially the unique and colourful buildings designed and built by a true master - Antonio Gaudi.

The only two disappointments I had whilst in Barcelona were the loss of all my photos - the beautiful wetlands and mangroves of Singapore and my carfully chosen photos around Barcelona, including all Gaudi's wonderful constructions! My generous daughter and son-in-law had gifted me with a digital camera and converter/charger. They felt that I needed to move into 21st century technology. I have found that new technology and I seldom agree on anything. I had barely mastered the art of 'ditching' the photos which weren't worth keeping, when I accidentally 'ditched' the whole lot! And accomplished it with so much ease! A real disappointment, but a hard-learnt lesson. I need to spend more time reading the instructions before I venture into unknown territory.

The other was an email from Peru Trek and Tours declining my application for a place in the Classic 4 day Inca Trail Trek. It seems that due to legal considerations, the age cut-off point is now 59 years unless one is accompanied by a relative or friend. The idea being that if one should become ill with siroche, etc., said relative/friend can accompany one down to lower levels on the trail.
Perhaps I will be able to find another company who will accept me when I get to Cusco.

The 3 hour train journey to Valencia (first class of course!) was an unacustomed and very special one. It leaves Qantas economy class plane trips trailing way behind. In fact, if I'm not careful, I could easily become accustomed to this style of travel.
The plush upholstery and carpeting, the attentive staff, the beautiful countryside flashing by, not to mention a glass of Spain's famous sherry in my hand!

Walking through the rain carrying my small case, and trying to read the map directions was a bit of an anticlimax, to say the least. Actually, my map-reading skills are still dismal, but I'm becoming a 'dab hand' at asking for directions in Spanish, (probably because I do it so often nowadays).

Valencia: the city named for it's famous orange trees which line many of the city's streets. The first impression was very good - the inside of the old train station with it's beautifully decorated lights and the colours of it's old stained glass windows. Soon dispelled when I realised that right next door to it, the lovely old 3 story building, was the Plaza de los Toros, the bull fighting ring which is still in use today.
Unfortunately I haven't been able to explore this city as I did Barcelona. My old ankle injury is protesting at the amount of walking I've been doing each day (sometimes 4 to 5 hours exploring). It's probably a combination of no Emu Oil (you can't buy it anywhere over here), the extreme cold and simple overuse.

I have been surprised that despite the amount of tourists travelling through Spain very few Spanish people (even in the Government and Tourist Departments) speak any English. It amazes me how other tourists with no Spanish manage, especially in the Airports and Train Stations.
Actually, there's a great demand for English lessons here - if I were staying longer, I'd be tempted to give private conversational tutoring classes.

Tomorrow is Sunday - checkout time is 11 o'clock in the morning. And my train doesn't leave until 12.50pm early Monday morning. The staff here are used to it - they keep your suitcase in storage. And you are still allowed use of the kitchen, the internet and the lounge. So since I've seen very little of the old area, I'm going to ramble through it with my digital camera and maybe even try to find a Spanish cinema and improve my Spanish.

So, Granada (and the beautiful Moorish palace called 'the Alhambra', I'm coming ......


5th February 2007

here's to adventure!
was so glad to open your blog and find added entries(I check daily).I am green to think you saw the Gaudi buildings...I remember the south american man from the slums that was building his own home similiarly,with no knowledge of who Gaudi was-you and I discussed it-that was in the days when I could sit over coffee with you,instead of reaching for the laptop to hear your voice!Of course, thinking of you for you(tinged with sadness that I am not able to share it with yoflying along in that luxurious train,with a glass of sherry made me happy u...this time.keep posting this site-it's the highlight of my day. all love to ibu.

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