Wet 'n' Wild 'n' Brisbane

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January 20th 2007
Published: January 20th 2007
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Me at Wet 'n' WildMe at Wet 'n' WildMe at Wet 'n' Wild

This is me outside Wet 'n' Wild
Right, quick update as I'm going exploring town today...

17th: Went into town to 'quickly book' the next part of the Mattatour, were in the shop by 10.20, and left 2 hours later, exhausted again, but with everything booked for the rest of Australia. Went from there to Wet and Wild, Australias biggest and wildest and wettest (or something like that) water park, where we spent the rest of the day in queues for rides, getting sunburt as the cream kept washing off. Stupid place... anyway some of the rides were really good, especially the most basic water slide which was just a massive drop where you went really fast and hurt your sunburnt back, your feet when you landed, and your contact lenses kept falling out. Brilliant.

They had a film on in the wave pool later, which would've probably been quite good, but we needed aftersun so we had to leave. And we were hungry. In Wet and Wild I had a hotdog with tomato sauce and mustard, which was very tasty.

That night was the weekly bar crawl from the hostel into town, so when we got back everyone was having a laugh and a
Me at GabbaMe at GabbaMe at Gabba

I don't understand what is happening behind me.
drink and a BBQ, and getting up for the night out, supposedly one of the messiest of the week. I walked straight past them, had a lovely shower, a bite to eat, and then read my book in bed by myself and it was brilliant. All the loud party people had gone away, so there was lots of lovely quiet time. Ideal. It's like I'm 40...

Due to my early night, I was up in plently of time to get packed and showered and on the 10 o'clock bus to Brisbane. In all honesty I did leave my bus pass in the hostel and had to beg to be allowed on, but it was OK in the end, which was a relief.

Got to next hostel, which was painted orange, and cooked a nutritious noodley lunch of noodles and flavouring. Yummy...

Went exploring after lunch, and bought a new pair of shorts and a tshirt (exhibited on photo), then met Paul (who was on a later bus) to do a food shop. Back to hostel about 6, had a beer, then made dinner, and met up with those two annoying girls for a drink, I don't really know why, but after one, I had to leave again for fear of killing one of them.

Yesterday was a good day- up and out quite quickly as we were going to try and do something with the day, and as we were walking into town, possibly to go to the lagoon here or the zoo, we noticed lots of busses were going to the Gabba (Brisbane Cricket Ground) and there were quite a few England cricket fans around... a brief check on the internet revealed that there was a one-day international between Oz and england. So, having no idea what we were going to do, we jumped on a bus to the ground and managed to bump into a guy who had two spare tickets, so we bought them and went in, which was nice... Was a good day out, even though Australia were quite boring when they were batting, and I only recognised about 3 players. Glad I went though... I think we lost, we left before the end. Oh well.

Today is good weather, and we're trying to save a bit of money due to yesterday being expensive, so after I've finished here, meeting Paul and off to the man made lagoon in town somewhere. Tomorrow hopefully going to Moreton island, another sand island, and then in a few days we're off to Noosa, Australia zoo and then Fraser island. At the zoo you have your photo taken with a koala and a kangaroo.

Right, I'm off to lie by the lagoon and read my book....

Nobody has left me a comment for about 4 days now and I'm not happy.

Sort it.


20th January 2007

Just browsing the new blogs and came across one from home. Loved your picture comments and twas a great blog overall. I just had to leave a comment after your second last line...bought a smile to my face as I know the feeling. Hope you are enjoying Oz!
20th January 2007

Why cricket is baffling to the Mattador
Matthew, Cricket is a game that dies out if you're no good at it. That has already happened in Scotland, and is likely to happen in England. You don't understand it because you're half Scottish, which may also explain your apparent inability to make AND KEEP a high friends tally. Maybe swimming with the certain death jelly-fish would have been an easy way out.............. Love you lots, Daddy
20th January 2007

Be happy - another attentive comment
Helloooo Nuf - Sorry for the general lack of attentiveness from your adoring Mattatour Fans. I'm at work. And its Saturday. But I have been royally distracted looking at your photos and catching up on your exciting sunburn stories. You're obviously not meeting the right sort of girls... I'm know plenty who would be mightily impressed by a bloke reading Wuthering Heights... Hmm... but I suppose I am nearly 30 ;-) Your new phone number didn't show up - guess the blog prob removes all numbers and weblinks - so pop it up on facebook or try spelling it out. C x
20th January 2007

good emails mattador! I am pleased that ur keeping us so well updated, I love hearing about all ur news. Dave was so jealous about the cricket, more so because you don't enjoy or understand it! We're all going out 4 Julia's 21st 2nite which will b good. 28 of us are going for a meal at Antibo's and then to rescue rooms- didn't get 2 sleep til 5am last night (Fri) or Wed- you are a disgrace with al our early nights, man up and live a little!! Ha well teaching all next week so no more fun to be had in a very long time. I am still jealous of you, although Hannah went to Manc yesterday to book our girly holiday, I REALLY want to go to Benidorm woo woo!! I think my vote was a little ignored... Hey ho, really nice to hear from you via text and I hope to hear from you soon. Let me kno if you can skype for a min at some point. Stay safe bruv, lots of love xxx
21st January 2007

Sunday Lunch
Hey Matthew, We at the Gall household have all been reading your travelblog! Sounds like lots of fun! Today we met up with your mum and dad as well as Papa for Sunday Lunch near to Erskine! Was good to catch up and I think everybody ate far too much! Certainly I did! Take care and keep up the good blog work! xx
27th January 2007

Why there are no additional comments
Largely because you are too idle to update your blog, so you are losing your readers. Alternatively; please reassure me you haven't taken my last comment seriously, and gone swimming with the certain death jelly-fish. Alternatively; that would not be all bad though, as I could continue to use your bedroom as my dressing room. Watch out for sand-snakes on Fraser Island.......... Daddy

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