Day 1

Published: July 12th 2018
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After a bumpy flight from Toronto to St John’s NL, we picked up our rental car and headed to Bonivista Peninsula to our B&B located in Port Rexton. On our way on the trans Canada highway, we spotted a moose running along the side of the road. Ok, we’ve only been in Canada for 1 1/2 hrs and we see a moose already!! Picture shows how close the moose was to the road. When we reached the peninsula, we had to turn around and take a 50 minute detour on the back roads because of an accident on the main highway. Did I mention in the pouring rain. We were so glad to pop the cork when we arrived at our destination. This area is absolutely beautiful, even in the rain and fog. I’ll have pictures when it’s sunny, we’re over looking the ocean. Met some locals who took us to a local diner. Best. Cod. Ever!

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Port RextonPort Rexton
Port Rexton

View from room

13th July 2018

My Northcott ancestors come from Carbonear NL...
Will you be passing that way?
13th July 2018

No we win’t Be in that area
17th July 2018

Looks like we’re headed near this town and one of our guide’s family is from the area.
24th July 2018

Sorry, did not get a picture of the town, only the home of our guide’s mother. She hosted our cookout with 2 musicians. Great fun!
18th July 2018

I would love to have a picture of the town, if possible...
I doubt that I will ever make it there as it is so far and remote. Have a great vacation at the ends of the earth!

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