A day on the road

Published: February 19th 2018
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Eat, sleep, sunbathe, repeat.........eat, sleep, sunbathe, repeat..........sounds like a Fatboy slim tune. The last couple of days has been exactly that but it really makes a change to the relentless, sometimes brutal but always adventurous travelling we do. A good example of one of our tiring but very enjoyable travelling days has to be the journey from San Cristobal (Mexico) to Huehue in Guatemala. The long day started with a 20 minute walk to a collectivo station, where we waited 30 minutes while all 15 seats in the van were eventually taken. The van then drove at a safe and relaxing speed that allowed us to enjoy the sceanary go by. After 1 1/2 hours we arrived at the next collectivo station where we changed into the next van that left minutes later as we were the last 2 bums to fill the 2 empty seats.Well this driver thought he was Sergio Perez driving as fast as the van would go, hitting all the apex on the bends and overtaking any vehicle that got in his way. 1 1/2 hours later we arrived at the Mexico/Guatemala border with white knuckles from holding the hand rails so tight in the van for the entire journey. We got stamped out from the Mexican immigration then got a taxi to the Guatamalan border through 4 kms of "no mans land". We got stamped in at the Guatemalan immigration then got a moto taxi ( 3 wheeled tuk tuk ) to the local bus station. It was here we seen and travelled on our first "chicken bus". These buses are American ex-school buses that are repainted very colourful with lots of chrome and bling. This first of many chicken buses we used in Guatemala was the most memorable. Firstly because it was a 2 1/2 hour journey winding through the Western Highlands, passing lots of Mayan villages. And secondly for the friendly atmosphere on board which was created by the help of the 2 person bench seats that actually seats 3 people.......very cozy indeed. The drivers of these buses are also aspiring Formula one drivers that would probably give Lewis Hamilton a run for his money.

The journey that day started 8.00am after breakfast and ended when we checked into the hotel around 4.00pm.

Since then we have travelled across Guatemala and into Belize enjoying some great places along the way including Lake Atitlan, Antigua and Rio Dulce. It's only our second day on the beach in Placencia (Belize) but already we are feeling energised and looking forward to our onward journey.

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19th February 2018

Keep the updates coming!
Hi guys, You look like you're having the most amazing time, the stories and photos are fab, keep them coming! Can't wait to catch up in NYC!! Take care and see you in 3 and a half weeks! xxx

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