Getting to Tunis

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February 18th 2018
Published: February 18th 2018
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Sunday February 18, 2018 - I had a pretty relaxed start to the day, eating all of the fruit I had brought with me on the trip for breakfast. I changed my airport shuttle to 9:30 instead of 10:00, as I started to get nervous that the airport would be crowded and I didn’t know how long it would take me to get through security. The day was cloudy, almost misty, not quite as “nice” as yesterday’s cloudy day.

When I checked in, there were not many people in front of me and the flight was delayed by 30 minutes anyway, so there had been no need to rush. I walked towards security and there was a sort of organized chaos, moving up to one of those machines you have to scan to get through. Security itself was pretty fast, and for the second day in a row I didn’t have to take off my hiking boots. Once through there was still no gate listed for the flight, but there was a comfy chair open, so I took it and waited an hour or so before looking again for the gate. No gate. Eventually there was an announcement and everyone started to move, so I went as well. The flight was still delayed, more like an hour by this time, but eventually we got on the bus to the place and took our seats. I was in the middle seat in an emergency row, but the row was not any more spacious than any other row. Next time I will just take a regular seat and be able to keep my bag with me. There was a full meal, despite the flight being only about two hours long.

In Tunis, I got through passport control quickly when a new line opened. I wasn’t even sure I was in the right line to begin, as it said police control instead of passport control. I changed some money, as I’d heard cards don’t always work here, but then I tried my card and it did work in the machine, so that was a relief.

I met Khaoula as soon as I came out, and she was easy to find in her red coat. She is the first Couchsurfing host I’m staying with, and has been very kind to pick me up and help arrange my tickets yesterday. We came to her house and she gave me her kids’ room, and they will stay with her. I’ll be here two nights. Today was cloudy and then rained a little, but I went for a quick walk just to get out a little. She lives near the Bardo museum, so I walked over there just to learn my way around. She’s not near the center, so I didn’t see much. Tomorrow I’m planning to go to the Bardo and to the old town, so I’ll have some time to figure it all out.

We relaxed a bit and then I helped her make a traditional rice dish with lots of garlic, spiciness and sheep stomach. That was new. We were cooking for her family, me, and her sister and her sister’s sister-in-law, since her sister will be heading to France tomorrow.

Hoping to get a good night’s sleep tonight.


22nd February 2018
Blue doors everywhere

So much history behind these doors.

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