Happy Indonesian Birthday, Stan!

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February 9th 2018
Published: February 9th 2018
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It was Stan’s birthday yesterday, February 8th. He is seventy one years young. He has just completed a month long 150 hour intensive yoga course, and is about to do another scuba refresher course to prepare for the somewhat challenging dive excursions we are undertaking next week in Komodo Marine Park in Flores, Indonesia. He is seventy one years young. I am very proud of him. I am fortunate to have been able to share his birthdays with him since he was twenty six years old, and excited to continue our lifelong adventures together.

His birthday tributes began on February 7th, one day early. We were still in Kuta, Bali, enjoying a sunset dinner overlooking the beach with his sister Annie, who had just completed a forty hour global trek across the planet, to celebrate the event with us. When I casually mentioned to our waiter that it was Stan’s birthday the next day, he arranged not only a birthday cake, but a birthday tribute by the singer of the acoustic duo playing that evening - both of whom were excellent. The singer was definitely Indonesia’s answer to Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler, so Stan, in effect, had “Steven Tyler” doing a wicked rock rendition of Happy Birthday for him, joined, of course, by the crowd of diners at the venue. Shortly after - as my husband never fails to inform everyone that “there is a famous singer from Canada present”- I was also invited to sing a song, accompanied by the guitarist. It was such a special, memorable evening, and it wasn’t even his birthday yet!

The next day, on his actual birthday, we made our annual trek to the Lombok island of Gilli Trawangan, where both Stan and I, as well as our son Tanner, have over the past six years had the opportunity to celebrate each of our birthdays. Stan has been particularly lucky, as this was his third birthday on Gilli T. It was made very special indeed by two dear friends - Gaby and Gerhardt, originally from Austria - whom we return every year now to visit at Genius Resort on this lovely island. Stan was treated not only to a beautiful homemade Austrian specialty cake, but also had a chorus of a half dozen young Indonesian men singing him a traditional birthday song in Bahasa Indonesia. It was simply wonderful.

Happy Birthday my Soul Mate, Stan. Selamat ulang tahun,

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9th February 2018

HAPPPY BIRTHDAY Stanley! Keep going strong & flexible. xo Susan
12th February 2018

Thanks Susan!
11th February 2018

Un Coucou
Salut Bev et Stan , ! ! ! ....... Heureuse d'avoir de vos nouvelles et de voir que vous êtes toujours en super forme ! ! ! ! ............ C'est SUPER d'avoir pu fêter les 71 Ans de Stan de cette façon ! ! ! !.... Nous étions à Bali en mai 2012 et logions à Kuta où il y a cette légendaire plage des surfers ainsi que de SPLENDIDES couchers de Soleil ..............sans parler des incroyables sculptures des Ronds Points ! ! ! ! J'ai bien reconnu sur vos photos ............... Pas de plongées pour commencer cette année mais, nous venons de rentrer de deux semaines de circuit au Vietnam du Nord ( Hanoï ) au Sud ( Saïgon ) avec entre autres, 24 H de " croisière " dans la Baie d'Halong => quel BIEN JOLI PAYS très diversifié en paysages, + richesses culturelles et culinaires sans oublier les sourires et la gentillesse de ses habitants ! ! ! Malgré un programme TRES chargé et de très nombreuses visites, nous restons sur " notre faim " ! ! ! ... Circuit TRES FATIGUANT , mais INOUBLIABLE ! ! !! ....; Nous avons quitté Saïgon dimanche dernier avec 34 °c et, 34 H plus tard, il faisait MOINS 2°c à l'atterrissage à Paris ! ! ! ! .........Nous avons eu 4 jours de neige de mardi à vendredi mais hier tout a fondu avec la pluie ! ! ! !.......... Profitez BIEN de la suite de votre voyage Bien Affectueusement Annie
12th February 2018

Un Coucou
Merci bien pour tes commentaires mon amie. Je suis contente que vous voyagez avec nous ? Bon vacances. Je vous souhaite une annee merveilleuse.
12th February 2018

Happy Birthday Stan??
Sounds like another incredible birthday experience in an incredible place? Continued blessings for many more amazing birthday experiences? ❤️Gail and Kim
12th February 2018

Happy Birthday Stan
Thanks Gail and Kim. Yes, another amazing adventure is unfolding once again. So blessed we are. Safe travels. Hope to see you soon.

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