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November 3rd 2006
Published: November 3rd 2006
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hey guys and gals made it to San Francisco...I owe a great deal to my road trip buddies travelled through Sierra NEvada Range through Yosemite valley...saw the 5th larget waterfall in the world that had no water...saw a coyote (I think or mayabe it was a wolf..)3 deer, 2 squirrels...and a partri-idge ina pe-a--r treeee.. no seriously beautiful country..couldn't find much going on in Yosemite...closed for Winter...it snowed a little while we were up on the mountain range...made our way to the curry village in the middle of the valley...imagine our dissapointment to find it was named after Mr and Mrs Curry and neary a Curry house in sight..had to make do with microwaved burritos...travelled to Berkely and stayed in a motel on university ave...reminded me of Butch's motel in Pulp Fiction...I checked the 'restroom' to make sure there wasn't a gunman waiting and the closet for any dead bodies..down to my last 12 dollars..ebnough for the train ride to the airport which isn't for another 38 hours but my fellow Greek filos Paul offered to put me up in Petaluma and there's an open wine house going on Saturday night...quite worrying how much alcohol I've drank in teh last two weeks...considering it's usually three pints and I'm out...went for pizza last night in Berkely..waitress was quite possible crazy or just plain stoned..it's amazing how Americans think you're cool cos you've got an accent...we ordered two medium pizza's amongst five she was like 'is that enough' we said yes and still couldn't finish the two we had...we found a homeless guy to give the rest to..didn't have to go far..it's pretty sad how mny people here live on the street...anyway next stop Petaluma and then back to old blighty....to the miserable cold and rain..Damo/Louisa have I still got a home to come back to??? back in the apple store in SF...security guards wandering again..eyeballing me...sure he recognised me tried every effing bank in the city to get some money out of my barclays account... no can do..still I'll manage I'm sure..as long as I can get to the airport on time if I don't I am well and truly f***ed...still didn;t manage to get a hat, might have an arguement with 'Lids' guy just for the hell of it..
Uncle Travelling Mat..


4th November 2006

Home Sweet..ahem Home
Hey man. The flat has been strangely quiet without you mate and I hate to tell you I told you so , no.......... f**k it I love telling you I told you so regarding Las Vegas. Dont bet against mathematics when it comes to money..........its what the universe is made of. I should tell you your blog has been entertaining but what the f**k have you done......too many northern jokes....? Mini Abe , the fish, is f****d....he's not eating anything but I'm hoping with your return he might perk up. Also, have you gotten a job in the U.S. cus its shit here. See yo soon big man for a pint.
6th November 2006

You're livin the dream man L-I-V-I-N!... Abe the rambling hobo... keep it up and I'll see you for a cold one in icy Landan.

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