Blogs from Peru, South America - page 20


South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca September 21st 2018

Some facts about Lake Titicaca 3,800m above sea level Over 8,300 sqm - 5 times bigger than Stewart island Highest navigable lake in the world Borders Peru and Bolivia We pack an overnight bag and head off in tricycle rickshaws to the port. It is an interesting was to navigate the traffic, including the speed bumps. We are going to be staying the night with local villagers so we buy some supplies for them - rice, noodles, vegetables, powdered milk and so forth. Then we get on our launch to start exploring the lake. At approximately 8,300 square km and seems more like a sea than a lake. In many places large reeds grow in a marshy area. This is what is used to make the floating islands that Uru people live on, as we discover ... read more
Uru floating islands
Family life on a floating island.
Our House

South America » Peru September 20th 2018

Peru was the first country in South America that really gave us an appreciation of how big this continent really is. We had travelled 15 hours, on three different buses to get from Banos across the border to Mancora a little town on the northwest coast of Peru but we were shocked to see just how little we had moved down the map of South America when we looked! Only a few days later we would be on an even longer overnight journey to Lima which would take 20 hours! It’s a bit ironic that the worst bit about travelling is the actual travelling itself! We hadn’t seen the sea since Cartagena in Colombia so spending a few days in Mancora was really nice. There is definitely something about being by the water that makes everything ... read more
Paddington Bear
Julia sandboarding
Sand buggy in Huacachina

South America » Peru September 20th 2018

Angekommen in Cusco, war mir eines schlagartig klar: Ab sofort gehören die Shorts und der Bikini eingepackt und die dicke Strumpfhose wird zur Standardausstattung. Cusco liegt auf 3.400HM und ist bitterkalt. Und auch wenn die Sonne tagsüber scheint wird es abends schlagartig windig und frostig. Mit ein paar neuen Alpaka-Socken, Handschuhen, Haube und Schal ist man da schon ganz gut beraten - davon gibt es am Markt zum Glück genug zu erschwinglichen Preisen. Hier in Cusco habe ich Julio wieder getroffen nachdem wir uns vor 3 Monaten in Mexiko auf der Isla Mujeres kennengelernt haben. Gemeinsam reisen wir 3 Wochen durch Peru. Cusco ist eine sehr nette beschauliche Stadt, mit Zentrum im Tal und Ausläufern in den Bergen, gebaut im spanischen Kolonialstil, mit vielen Möglichkeiten zur Besichtigung und Ausflügen. Die Menschen sind herzlich und korrekt, auch ... read more
Wiedersehen in Peru
Stadterkunden in Cusco

South America » Peru » Puno » Puno September 20th 2018

Today we take a public bus from Cusco to Puno, about a nine hour trip. However the bus exceeds expectations. It is a double decker bus with spacious seats that recline to ‘160 degrees’. We have seats up the top near the front so we get a good view of everything passing by. The countryside continues to be big, open and dry with many villages and farmlets along the way. It is warm on the bus so everyone is stripped back to singlets and shorts and a fair amount of napping takes place. There is a toilet on board which is simple but seems to keep fairly clean - perhaps due to a lack of holding tank. Lunch is at a roadside diner - Mike, our guide, knows the traps well enough to take our orders ... read more
Big landscapes on the way to Puno
 The seedy town of Juliaca
Big landscapes on the way to Puno

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco September 19th 2018

At last a day off but I still wake up by 5:30, with a snuffly nose and a bit of a cold. We spend the day cruising around this pretty city, going to the San Pedro market where the locals shop for for everything from pigs’ heads to flowers and clothes. It is colourful, clean and not too busy. We don’t try anything at the food court but head back to the chocolate museum for a hot chocolate and chocolate brownie for lunch. Needless to say we go through a few markets to get there. We also discover a museum (exhibition really) for a textile artist called Maximo Laura who does the most amazing weaving with wonderfully vibrant colours. These large wall hangings are about 1.5m by 3m and cost up to 20k USD. What a ... read more
San Pedro market - flower section
San Pedro Market - even the pigs look happy
San Pedro market - juice bar

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu September 18th 2018

We are queuing for the bus by about 5:45am with hoards of other people. However they are all very polite and British and the line moves quickly. The wait for the bus about 45 minutes and the bus ride itself is only 25 minutes up a steep zigzag road with occasional passing lanes for buses coming the other way. After a quick pee (no toilets on site and if you leave you can’t re-enter) we enter the Machu Picchu site. It is very foggy and I am concerned we won’t get all those spectacular views. We had decided the night before not to go up to the Sun Gate for sunrise because of the condition of our group - the others not me that is! Our tour mates who walked the Inca trail tell us later ... read more
Machu Pichhu
The fog lifts
Machu Picchu

South America » Peru » San Martín » Tarapoto September 17th 2018

Somos todos loquitos, no? - Wir sind doch alle verrückt, oder? Angekommen in Tarapoto (die größte Stadt San Martins, auch bekannt als “Stadt der Palmen”) machten Elli, Sabi und ich uns vom AirBnb aus auf den Weg um das Zentrum zu erkunden: Durch die Straßen rund um den Hauptplatz, Plaza de Armas, vorbei an vielen kleinen Läden bis hin zu ein paar Straßenverkäufern die uns schon bei der Hinfahrt zum AirBnb ins Auge gestochen waren. Michele, einer der (Lebens-)Künstler, strahlte eine Freundlichkeit und Herzenswärme aus die ich noch selten erlebt habe. Mit einer selbstlosen Freude zeigte er uns seine Kunstwerke, erzählte von den Eigenschaften der Edelsteine, der Samen, der Federn und der Farben. Und obwohl wir erst nichts gekauft und nur geschaut haben, hat er so viel Wissen, Freude und Leidenschaft mit uns geteilt, uns mit ... read more
Zopferlflechten in Peru
Zopferlflechten in Peru
Die Hundeschule macht heute Ausflug

South America » Peru » Cusco » Ollantaytambo September 17th 2018

Our last day on the trail - relief mixed with a bit of sadness. Today is ‘all downhill’ but we laugh at Adrian as his descriptions to date have been ‘encouraging’ or ‘optimistic’. Kristy had also said that the last day was hard going so I really don’t know what to expect. However it is a good 4 hour, 6-7 km walk with mostly downhill and none of it a scary as the previous day. We stop at the quarry after which the trail is named. Stone was cut from here and carried down to build the town. Marcia also explains the burial huts we see on the way. As on Day 2 Linda has gone ahead with Adrian (starting to wonder about these two!) and Marcia and I wander along at the end. With the ... read more
Doing our bit at the Quarry
Burial Structures
Marcia and I celebrate!

South America » Peru » Cusco » Ollantaytambo September 16th 2018

Well, this is going to be the gut-buster - 16km, two passes at 4,400m+ and about 10 hours. The first pass is about 4 hours in and Marcia recommends Linda takes the horse with Adrian, the assistance guide for company. That leaves me with 5 young fit things and Super Marcia. She is awesome. We stop often and she alternates between the font and the back of the pack, we don’t get too spread out, within a couple of hundred metres. The track is good, well formed, not steep with nasty big steps but it is so hard to breathe. Even after a rest I am gasping for air within about 6 paces. But at no stage did I think I would not make it under my own power - I just didn’t know how long ... read more
The team (less Linda) at the first pass 4,400m
Lunch - a most welcome stop
The lady selling powerade!

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley September 15th 2018

The restaurant in Ollantaytambo was gorgeous, - tastefully decorated patio overlooking the beautiful garden by the side of the Vilcanota River. Perfect for a relaxing lunch break! A Mexican couple joined our table and we hit instantly. The gentleman works in New Jersey in the U.S. and commute from Mexico City every weekend. “You fly every week from the Mexico City to New Jersey? No way Man,” I was shaking my head in disbelief! I recall the fiasco we saw in the Mexico City Arrival terminal! Boy oh Boy! I simply said “Wow! You have the mojo”. Flying every week more than 4-5 hours each way and battling the immigration is no joke! We settled in a corner table in the patio and quickly became friends. “Tell me, how the hell do you manage traveling every ... read more
Urubamba from the top
Irrigation system by Incas - Urubamba Valley

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