Blogs from Pucallpa, Ucayali, Peru, South America - page 5


South America » Peru » Ucayali » Pucallpa December 23rd 2005

C'est juste pour souhaiter un joyeux Noel a tout le monde, et mettre quelques photos suplementaires. On part le 26 pour Lima et apres on verra bien... bises... read more
petit tigre

South America » Peru » Ucayali » Pucallpa December 17th 2005

We spent our last day at ADRA today. Christmas is approaching and so is our departure date. We're still not sure if we should leave. We've got the fealing that we´ll never find another place like Pucallpa. It´s hard because we know Peru is full of unbelivable places, and there´s so much to see. On the other hand we want to get to know these places by settling down for a few months. Pierre and me have decided that we will stick with the next job we find for at least 3 months. We´ve met so many people here, and ADRA want us to stay but we still feel we should move on... This week we spent our last trip in Bethel. Our main purpose was to check why the chlorine plant wasn´t working (A piece ... read more
DIY Pierre
Some exotic fruit
"Capacitacion de la JASS"

South America » Peru » Ucayali » Pucallpa December 5th 2005

Last week we went to Saposoa, a much more friendly community. We exposed our usual Museo de la Salud, (literally means hygiene museum). This time Eliseo, a new comer in the project, added a part on agriculture, where he explained what fruits to grow and how. Our Spanish is improving rapidly and we’ve also learned a few words in Shipibo. The main event of the trip was another nocturnal tropical storm. This time we were better prepared since we had tents. I had borrowed one from ADRA but Pierre had insisted on taking his own. Unfortunately it could not be mounted indoors so when the storm broke out at 1.00 AM, I had a thought for him from my warm under-shelter bed, although I spent most of the night tackling a new form of "invisible-mosquitoes". At ... read more

South America » Peru » Ucayali » Pucallpa November 26th 2005

Back in town after a quite extraordinary week. Everything seems to be getting better and better. On Tuesday we took a boat to Panaillo, where we set up gallery for teaching the villagers basic hygiene rules and risks of infection. After that I gave an English lesson and Pierre tried to teach some history and geography. We then gave out chlorine to everybody so they could purify their water for a month or so. I also instructed the village treasurer how to fill in a basic account book so they can keep track of the community's money. That night I had another close encounter with local life forms. I was lying in bead and as I was falling asleep my eyes were getting used to he dark, and at one point I thought I saw a ... read more
Crocodile Dundee
Eliseo and some bananas
More crop investigation

South America » Peru » Ucayali » Pucallpa November 19th 2005

Apparament certaines personnes se demandent ce que je fais a part tuer des poulets. Je vais essayer d'etre un peu plus clair et precis. On est finalement en train de faire du volontariat dans une association nommee ADRA basee a Pucallpa et qui a pour but de lutter contre la pauvrete des communautes indigenes de la region de l'Ucayali. Ils construisent des puits, organisent leur agriculture et surtout les sensibilisent aux problemes lies a l'hygiene. Jusqu'a present, au jour le jour ce qu'on faisait concretement : on peut appeler ca du tourisme ecologique, sauf qu'en plus on donnaient des cours 2 heures par jour aux indigenes. Le reste du temps on essayait de s'adapter aux conditions, on allait pecher, on jouait au foot avec eux, en gros on essayait de s'integrer un minimum. Mais c'est illusoire, ... read more

South America » Peru » Ucayali » Pucallpa November 6th 2005

On est arrivee dans la foret amazonienne, Une communaute perdue a 5h de bateau sur le fleuve Ucayali, sans eau potable, avec un generateur d'electricite marchand a l'essence et par concequent quasiment jamais mis en route. La on est revenu a la ville la plus proche pour les vivres et l'eau. on enseigne l'anglais a tout le village tous les jours. Graeme les adultes moi les enfants. On se "lave" dans la riviere et on risque notre vie a chaque fois qu'on fait va chier dans les trous prevus a cet effet (migales, serpents et autres betes sympatiques extremement venimeuses). C'est roots. Petite annecdote : On a achete 2 poulets vivants pour les manger la bas, j'ai decide d'en tuer un il y a 2 jours. Le pere de famille m'explique comment faire a mains nues, ... read more

South America » Peru » Ucayali » Pucallpa October 27th 2005

After a very very long trip we've arrived in Pucallpa, one of the two main towns in the Peruvian part of the Amazonian rain forest. The trip was quite an experience. It started off with the sand desert around Lima. We then crossed the Cordillera Blanca, where we travelled up to almost 6000m (18000ft!!) and suffered from altitude sickness... Finally we headed deep into the jungle, where the "road" seemed to get constantly worse. Pucallpa is a lot different from Lima. Its very hot and dusty, but at the same time surrounded by loads of interesting flora. Poverty is also much more abundant here. Tomorrow (on Saturday), we'll take a boat up the river and meet with the community we'll be working with for the next 2 months. Although internet connections are surprisingly easy to find ... read more

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