Amazing weekend comtinued!!

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South America » Peru » Ica » Ballestas Islands
November 8th 2005
Published: November 8th 2005
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Candelabra in the sandCandelabra in the sandCandelabra in the sand

Another etching in the sand just off the coast of the Pacific. No definite explanation re how it got there. Some theotries include pirates or even a masonic symbol!!
Hi Folks,

Final update re the remainder of the weekend!!

We stayed overnight in Paracas and got up early on Monday morning to take a trip to the Ballestas Islands, just of the coast of Paracas in the Pacific.

We boarded a 25 person speed boat for the trip. The water was pretty choppy to say the least and the ride was a little rough. Caroline and I ended up absolutely soaked from the spray, but it was well worth it for what we saw. Key highlights were the penguins, the pelicans and the sea lions. I´ve never been so close to them in the wild and managed to get some great photos (well, I think they´re great!!).

On the way back, a pelican flew in front of the bow of the boat and over the other side. It was very close to the water and a totally magnificent sight in full flight. No photos unfortunately as the trip was pretty rough and I didn´t want to risk my camera gettting soaked by spray or lost overboard when the boat hit a bump.

The only drawback from this trip is that I missed a day at

There were lots of them, although they were pretty shy!!
Wawa Wasi, which I feel pretty rotten about. Will need to find some way to make it up to the kids. Whilst I feel bad about it, the work we do can be very draining, and it´s nice to have a break and also some fun. Kept thinking during the course of the weekend that some of the kids I work with will never even get to see the sea!! What a privileged life I lead!!

I´m just going to let the photos speak for themselves. I´m sure those of you like me who are nuts about animals will really enjoy them!!

After the trip we headed for the coach back home. We got the bus on the Pan Am highway and it was a 6hr climb back up the mountains to Ayacucho. The first trip had been in darkness, and although I slept a fair bit of the way on the return journey (for those of you who know me well this will be no surprise - put an engine underneath me to travel anywhere and I immediately crash out!!), I was awake often and long enough to see some of the scenery.

When I first
Ballestas rock structures Ballestas rock structures Ballestas rock structures

The structure of the rocks was incredible!!
arrived in Ayacucho, I flew by plane from Lima. The flight didn´t really give me an appreciation of the vastness and the magnificence of the Andes. It was totally incredible. They are so large and scenic. With every corner the coach turned, there was something different to see!! The scenery was much better than the dodgy pirate movies they played on the coach (War of the Worlds and various Bruce Willis films all dubbed in Spanish) and the equally horrendous music they played over the stereo system!! Thankfully the journey back was pretty uneventful!!

At one point Vicki woke me up excited about a bird she had spotted which we reckon was a condor. It was very elegant and amazing to see!! Some of the climb was in the rain, but we arrived to blue skies in Ayacucho (although it had apparently rained most of the weekend) to be met by the group including the new volunteers.

The new volunteers seem like a nice bunch, but the majority are only staying for a couple of weeks. There are three guys and one girl. All American and very nice. Haven´t really got to know them yet. Watch this space
Ballestas rock structures Ballestas rock structures Ballestas rock structures

Some more of the same. The sea lions often hide in the caves.
for more info on how the dynamics of the house change!!

After dinner it was a hot shower and a very early night to nurse (yet another) horrible head cold so I had enough energy for Wawa Wasi on Tuesday morning.

The weekend was totally exhausting with all the travelling, and not without its challenges, but I wouldn´t have missed it for the world. Hope that you enjoyed what I was able to share with you all.

Lesley x

Additional photos below
Photos: 13, Displayed: 13


Rocks with birds!!Rocks with birds!!
Rocks with birds!!

Some of the rocks were so densely covered with birds you couldn´t actually see the rocks!!
Posing for the cameraPosing for the camera
Posing for the camera

The caption would read "Aren´t I just gorgeous!!"
Ooohhh that feels good!!Ooohhh that feels good!!
Ooohhh that feels good!!

He´s just reaching that spot!!
Romance isn´t dead girls!!Romance isn´t dead girls!!
Romance isn´t dead girls!!

Maybe all we need to do is find a handsome sea lion!!
More sceneryMore scenery
More scenery

Isn´t it amazing!!
Scratch my tummy - please??!!Scratch my tummy - please??!!
Scratch my tummy - please??!!

Sea lion with no inhibitions!!
Large male with his harem!!Large male with his harem!!
Large male with his harem!!

The large male in the middle is surrounded by his harem of females. Maybe all you single guys need to develop a similar look to be successful!!
The Birds!!The Birds!!
The Birds!!

The one in front is actually a pelican!
Seal beach!!Seal beach!!
Seal beach!!

This is the beach where the majority of breeding occurs. Apparently dominated by one male, who was too shy to pose for a photo!!

9th November 2005

11th November 2005

I see you have encountered many different kinds of animals. One thing puzzles me though - where are all the Paddington Bears ?

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