Mountains, Fiestas, Chelas, CUZCO (oh ya, Macchu Picchu too)

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco
January 20th 2007
Published: January 20th 2007
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Cuzco Time for Christmas and New Years and what better place to spend it than a city filled with gringos, thousands of miles away from my family and friends. Whatever, I still managed to have a good time. We got to Cuzco which is the tourist capital of South America. It’s 3200 meters above sea level so it definitely felt like home because of the cold! We found a really nice hostel right near ... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 70, Displayed: 21


Alas, Macchu PicchuAlas, Macchu Picchu
Alas, Macchu Picchu

The Incans used only rocks to sculpt their fortress; no tools. The precision is amazing
Alas, Macchu PicchuAlas, Macchu Picchu
Alas, Macchu Picchu

One of my thousand photos
Alas, Macchu PicchuAlas, Macchu Picchu
Alas, Macchu Picchu

Macchu Picchu is divided into 2 main parts. One is for agriculture and the other for residence. You´ll see more clearly in the photos to come
Alas, Macchu PicchuAlas, Macchu Picchu
Alas, Macchu Picchu

That´s Wayna Picchu in the background; a towering mountain that goes even higher into the sky. Yup, I climbed that too
Alas, Macchu PicchuAlas, Macchu Picchu
Alas, Macchu Picchu

Here I am at the top, tired as f%&#. The view makes Macchu Picchu look like lego haha
Alas, Macchu PicchuAlas, Macchu Picchu
Alas, Macchu Picchu

On the top of a gem
Alas, Macchu PicchuAlas, Macchu Picchu
Alas, Macchu Picchu

This is the absolute highest point on Wayna Picchu...Look at ME MOM!!
Alas, Macchu PicchuAlas, Macchu Picchu
Alas, Macchu Picchu

Another shot of Macchu from the sky. You can see the bus route up on the left. We cut right up the middle with two feat and a heartbeat
Alas, Macchu PicchuAlas, Macchu Picchu
Alas, Macchu Picchu

Relaxing before our descent
Alas, Macchu PicchuAlas, Macchu Picchu
Alas, Macchu Picchu

Going back down. CRAZY steep!
Alas, Macchu PicchuAlas, Macchu Picchu
Alas, Macchu Picchu

Relaxing at the bottom...well the bottom of Wayna Picchu...I´m still way up in the mountains lol
Alas, Macchu PicchuAlas, Macchu Picchu
Alas, Macchu Picchu

Another photo of me and Miguel. You guys getting sick of seeing our mugs yet?
Alas, Macchu PicchuAlas, Macchu Picchu
Alas, Macchu Picchu

Climbing back down and leaving Macchu Picchu
Back in CuzcoBack in Cuzco
Back in Cuzco

This pretty much sums up my feelings of walking 200km in 4 days
Back in CuzcoBack in Cuzco
Back in Cuzco

Here´s a map of our trek
Back in CuzcoBack in Cuzco
Back in Cuzco

Our get-together to celebrate
Back in CuzcoBack in Cuzco
Back in Cuzco

Pre-game...or Tea-Time, one of the two
Back in CuzcoBack in Cuzco
Back in Cuzco

A little bit of love for the greatest country in the world
Back in CuzcoBack in Cuzco
Back in Cuzco

Goofing around with my sweety Doris. Estas lo mejor mijita rica. Llame me algo vez, tienes mi numero! Besitos!
Dec. 30th, 2006Dec. 30th, 2006
Dec. 30th, 2006

Me, Miguel and Daniela at the bar, 30 minutes before my bday. The clock struck midnight, Cinderella lost her slipper, and Sebastion got the night fired up with the first round. Next, is the sequence, with quotes, of exactly how it went down...

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