Blogs from Ayacucho, Peru, South America - page 11


South America » Peru » Ayacucho June 20th 2007

Weekend adventures... ok...we apologise to the world, we just came out of the orphenage, we are not very inspired to write much... Example of our days- Emilie played Uno all day, read "Clifford and the fire fighters", got frustrated with math (divisions are tough man!) and drew an angel. Marion made a dislexick kiddo read for an hour, rediscovered the 7 famille game and how to play marbles. their marble game is insanely hard, we re too big for this stuff! The main reson we re exhasted is that there is a general strike all week of schools, universities, and general things like healthcare and garbage men... anyways, this means no school for our 50 kiddos. This also means, terrible hyperness and no rest for the volonteers... It s really interesting because professors are striking ... read more
les singes des montagnes
the laguna
 zen marion

South America » Peru » Ayacucho June 16th 2007

Hello friends from all around! We are compltely exhausted. Today we have taken the kids by the river. It s sounds quite simple like that, but imagine this. There is one professor and five volonteers -including marion-, walking for two hours in the wild with about 30 kids. Meanwhile a bus and 20 others (the smallest) went directly there with 2 volonteers -incluing em-. Now, this is nothing like europe or america where kids must be watched and kept under control... We climbed and hiked and walked by the road in the middle of the mountain, kids running all over the place. We saw donkeys and cows (the kids jumpe on me sudenly cuz i had a red headband and they thought the bull was gonna get me! I cant belive we didnt lose any kids!! ... read more
Marion, Nikanor, Dani and Lilou
Emilie doing a great puzzle with...Carlos?
Marion playing Jenga with Nikanor and Juan Carlos

South America » Peru » Ayacucho June 13th 2007

Hola grande mundo Today emilie is feeling a bit woozy, so by solidarity this blog will be short so we can go back to resting on the roof with mate de coca before going to play with our niños. We are getting in the ayacucho routine, (not boring whatsoever, no day ever resembles the next, exept for the cold showers) of working with the kids in the afternoon, exploring in the morning and preparing our travels, and going out on weekends and sometimes evening -when the kids have left some energie in our tired selves- Last weekend we have visited ruins in the mountains at Wari, site of archeological remains of a grand civilization preceding the Incas. We ve listened to an uncomprehensible guide, ate some tuna fruit (yes tuna here is a fruit, that ... read more
tuna fruit from cactus
view from the independence monument

South America » Peru » Ayacucho June 10th 2007

Hola todos -blog is two days old for lill technical problems... oh frenchies out there watch this great new president we have,1-0@2-3220,36-921248,0.html ) Alors. Very eventful days have just passed. well, since yesterday really but it seems ages ago already. oh, we re wondering why when we write a blog in french, we get almost all comments from english, spanish, australien and american peeps. weirdos. Our time in the orphanage went really well, taking away any of our attempts at structure or organization. Our help with homework was hillarious as emilie could not explain divisions in español (and kind of forgot how to explain it in any other language as well) and marion was dealing with a dislexic dorris-like kiddo (ok, dorris is the fish in nemo for all those who didnt get the ... read more
coca leaf
niño peruviano
morning café on the roof

South America » Peru » Ayacucho June 8th 2007

This blog will be in french... from the very many request on the motherland! be back in english soon. Bonjour les franceses! Tout va toujours super bien pour nous, en fait... maintenant qu on y reflechi, super bien est une legere hyperbole-coxigrue (oui, ca ne veut rien dire, vous voyez pourquyoi on ecrit en anglais?!) Alors, par ou commencer. Hier matin, il y a eu un enooorme debarquement de nana a la casa des volontaires, et on se retrouve maintenan a 18 (dont un mec meme pas beau d abord) pour une maison de 10-12, donc c est l ambiance. Surtout avec un chiotte qui s arrete de marcher de temps en temps... au debut on a eu tres peur, un gros moment de solitude parmis toutes ces gringas de partout (un peu juste les ... read more
nous dans le taxi
peru et l environement
Ayacucho arc de triomphe rose

South America » Peru » Ayacucho June 5th 2007

Hello the wolrd out there We have just arrived to Ayacucho. The sun is so warm up at 2700m, and the air is finally purer than in crouded Lima. We have been extreemeñy lucky for our first two days to have met the perfect guides, two french travelers Manuella et David here for 4 months and a year, and initiated us to the peruvian way. Local buses, little restaurants, menu translation courses so that we didnt end up eating guinea pigs and Ceviche (raw fish in lemon with pepers and oignons, excellent for the soul, terrible for the stomac), well not yet anyways. Stomacs ok (i m sure parents are concerned), somehow... So far we find eating in lill local places and grabbing tea, cakes or nuts quite easy, and havent felt like streets were ... read more
san fransisco
bilou on our ayacucho roof

South America » Peru » Ayacucho May 21st 2007

howdi, this is marion. yeah 15 kg worth of two years in a suitcase...i hear that sister! miracles do happen. So yes I m in leeds still and you re in dundee, living intensly. today is my last sunday here, ca y est, i ve entered the phase of 'last times' realizing the end is so close, everything really precious and intense... but much is also starting. we're going to perou, that s a miracle too, going to be full of rebondissements and coulours. I am confident that we will make it thru 2 planes of 8 hours each (i got us a book called '200 things that will make you go 'wow' --that should keep us going for a while). oh, while we re at, playing 'trying to loose the other' is forbidden, and ... read more

South America » Peru » Ayacucho May 11th 2007

May 11th I woke early to catch a long bus ride. I wasn´t feeling so great, probably due to not a great night´s sleep and maybe the two really weird ¨Pisco Sours¨, the national alcoholic drink I had last night with the Stanford people. We drove down along the coast, very desert-like, and then over into the mountains. I found a very decent hotel and went to get dinner as I was exhausted and hungry! I asked for water, but for some reason the waiter insisted on bringing me what all the locals drink (chi chi) - corn beer. It looks like red wine, served warm. It was pretty nasty, but I felt bad that the waiter had brought it to me for free so I drank at least half of it anyways. Near the ... read more

South America » Peru » Ayacucho April 9th 2007

Hola! Well, were here!! (excuse the lack of apostrophes, cant work out how to make them work on the keyboard) Its strange to think weve already been here a week, it seems like much shorter, but much longer. We seem to have done so much already, and learnt so little Spanish!!! (Wish you were here Nell!!) We are on the road to Cusco (still). True to the nature of travelling, things never quite go as smoothly as planned and weve spent the last three days arguing with bus companies how to get to Cusco. We had decided to go the scenic route and avoid the long haul down the coast until our way back, and break up the journey a little by stopping off in a few places little mentioned in the guidebook. From Lima we ... read more

South America » Peru » Ayacucho February 23rd 2007

Hello people , Since a couple of months i’m building on my project Bookingbox. The project has lots of different sides , its evolving every day and you can follow it all online on our websites. When i arrived in Peru i had only one goal ; getting my websites online. After a couple of weeks in a hostal i decided too rent my own place , i found a old colonial house with 2 gardens and 5 rooms , a great place for an art gallery , a social club (garden lounge) and 5 rooms. I found a first customer ; Jan , the coock of the Dutch resto - hostal “el Gringo” , who was searching for a room ; he rented the blue room , to have a relax place for himself. Claudio ... read more
our guesthouse
music and art

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