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South America » Peru » Ayacucho
August 15th 2005
Published: August 15th 2005
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Hola! I made it safe and sound! The flight was long, but well worth it! Ayacucho is like no place I have ever seen. I imagine it is a lot like Mexico but smaller. It is very dusty. The roads are paved, but extremely bumpy with holes in them the size of cars. The buildings that line the streets are like brick skeletons and sometime only have a curtain for a door. The people are freindly and very curious about us. We are the only white people around. The children yell for the ¨gringas¨and laugh when we ask them questions in Spanish. Speaking of children, I am in love with them! They are so thirsy for our attention and love to have their pictures taken. So I will have a lot of photos of kids when I return! Yesterday, after being up for 36 hours we got to relax. So today, we went to explore some of the volunteer job sites. It was amazing to see the conditions that these people live in, but at the same time you are so impressed with their efforts to improve their way of life. We visited a school, and the children attacked us! When
School in AyacuchoSchool in AyacuchoSchool in Ayacucho

As you can see, these children only have the bare essentials.
I say school, I mean a two room shack with dirt floors, and open windows. No heat, air or running water. I wish kids in the states could see this next time they complain about new clothes and school supplies. In fact, I will think twice next time I am feeling deprived! When we left, the children chased our van yelling, adios. It was heart-breaking and flattering all at once. We also went to a soup kitchen that provides meals to the children in the community. This is a place that would be shut down by the health department in the States, but is a staple for people here. The wonderful thing is, the women who cook there all day were volunteers. They work mainly to help out and so their children can benefit from the meals. Tomorrow I will see my job placement. I am very excited, and if the bebes and ninos are anything like the ones we met today, I don´t know if I will be able to leave them! There is so much to say about this place, but I will leave some for next time. My health is good, other than a little congestion from
Soup KitchenSoup KitchenSoup Kitchen

These women cook meals for hundreds of children every week.
all the dust. I certainly notice the altitude, but it not making me ill, just a little shakey and out of breath. The other volunteers are from all over the map and we are having a good time getting to know easc other. I´m sorry this was written very quickly and I am horrible at spelling. Please read for content. I miss all of you at home and I can´t wait to share all my pictures and stories! Thanks for the comments, and please continue to send good thoughts!


15th August 2005

I'm proud of you!
Stacy, I'm so glad that this is already a good experience for you, I knew it would be. I love you and miss you. I almost called your office at lunch today to talk to you, then I remembered. Lucy says "Hurry home!", and Sneaky says "Hasta Luego, Senorita!". I'm glad the kids like you and you like them, just remember, you can't bring them home with you (just kidding!). I love you very much. Ian
15th August 2005

Oh Stace
Stace- I'm sure you can picture that I am crying and crying (like always) after reading your note. I am so excited for you and everything sounds so wonderful. You are amazing and I am really grateful for any updates - they mean more than you know to us here. Soak it up babe and hang in there. I wonder if you are as emotionally all over the map as I imagine I would be with so much pride and heart break and happiness and anticipation and ... Wow this is big! I love you tons and tons and I can't wait to see you. I am so glad you got there safe and sound - hope it went with no snags. Love Love Love Megs
15th August 2005

hey, stace!!! i have been checking my email every chance i get to see if you have written a blog for the day or not! :):):) i miss you already, knowing that you are soooo far away. ian and i had a date this weekend-- man, that boy rebounds quickly! we ate at joe's crab shack with marc and kate and then allen met us at the movies and we saw The Longest Yard. that last sentence sounds so trivial compared to what you are doing with your days. school is officially starting tomorrow. i'm sooo tired. i love you, and am really looking forward to your next blog. no pressure, though. don't want you to spend all your time in front of a computer.... ;) luvm julie :)
16th August 2005

And as my baby has done, these childen will, in turn, remember and spread good will in their lives. Very proud of you, Stacy.
16th August 2005

Praying for you
Dear Stacy, I am so happy you made it safely. You sound so exhilerated and ready to start working with your little ones. I am sure they will love you as you do them. I am loving your journal entries. Thanks for taking the time, and keep um coming when you find time. We pray for you and all the people and conditions there also. We love you. Christa and Jimmy
17th August 2005

Stace--I am so happy to hear that your travels went well. You have painted a beautiful picture of what you are experiencing so far. I look forward to more. I love you bunches. with love cora:)
17th August 2005

What an experience
Wow! I am so glad that you are getting to experience this and can't wait to see and hear everything that you get to do. My thoughts are with you and I hope that this is as fulfilling as you hope it to be, which it sounds like it is so far. Miss you and look forward to your next "blog"!!!!! Take care and glad to know that you made it safe!!
17th August 2005

Stacy, I am so glad your safe. All is well here at TTC and Theatre reservations have been rolling in. Don't worry about things here - just have a great time and one you will never forget!
17th August 2005

Tricia and I miss you but we are so proud of what you are doing and it WILL make a difference. As you have blessed our lives, you will also bless those children and adults you come in contact with. May God be with you and those you are serving and bring you home safe and sound. We Love You Very Much.
18th August 2005

Proud of You
Stacy, Enjoyed reading about your experience. It warms my heart to hear how much you love the experience and the love that the children are wanting. Take care and best wishes to you. Jerry
2nd September 2005

So informing.....
Stacy, I was living with you as I read your journal; good job girl. You seemed to be having one of the times of your life. Soak it all up and share with all of us when you return. I think, not only could our young people benefit from what you are seeing; but also old people like myself. We have had it made here, thanks to the good Lord. I just wanted to say hi and let you know that I am praying and thinking about you. Gary and Judy should be so proud of you; I am.. Be careful and keep on with the information; you are good. You could be a journalist; your description of your trip is so neat. I can't wait to read another addition to your journal. From one of those old guys back in the states, Walter

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