Isla de Pascua dia 3 - Vuelta a la isla (50km) (Total 18603km)

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South America » Chile
March 15th 2014
Published: March 15th 2014
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Esta mañana me he levantado a las 6, a las 7 ya estaba en marcha en bici, en plena noche. Por el camino me he topado con unos 3 gatos, varias manadas de caballos y un perro que esta noche estaba de guardia. He llegado a los Moais de Ahu Tongariki poco despues del amanecer, pero como estaba nublado, el sol propiamente ha salido unos 15 min mas tarde. Las vistas se supone que son mejores en un dia sin nubes, pero de todas maneras no estaba mal. De ahi he ido Rano Raraku directamente. El sitio este es la cantera de donde salian los Moais, todos aquellos que se rompian o habia alguna causa para dejarlos tirados, aqui se quedaron, y parece un campo de champiñones. He estado esperando un rato al guardaparques, que ha llegado media hora tarde a abrir, y he entrado como primer visitante del dia, la luz debe ser mejor al atardecer, pero al menos hoy por la mañana tenia todos los Moais para mi solo. De esta zona son las fotos de Moais mas bonitas del dia. De ahi he ido rodeando la isla hasta Anakena, estos son los Moais playeros, es una playa de arena blanca enmedio de varios pequeños volcanes. De ahi he vuelto nuevamente hasta el Ahu Te Pito Kura. El Moai mas grande de la isla que salio de la cantera esta aqui, lamentablemente tumbado y roto. Y ademas hay un conjunto de rocas esfericas, que se supone que es el ombligo del mundo (te pito kura). De ahi vuelta ya para Hanga Roa por la carretera del interior. He echado una pequeña siesta y he ido a hacer trueque de comida por souvenirs. De todas maneras no me ha ido muy bien, hay mucho turista y apenas consigues que te den mucho mas sobre el precio que pagaste en Santiago, aunque con un par de articulos que compre de oferta si he tenido mas margen. El tema del trueque de comida en la Isla de Pascua hay que investigarlo mejor, quizas con alcohol se puedan hacer mejores negocios.


This morning I woke up at 6, at 7 I was on a bike, at night. On the way I've encountered about 3 cats, several herds of horses and a dog on duty tonight. I have come to the Moais of Ahu Tongariki shortly after dawn, but as it was overcast, so the sun has come out properly about 15 min later. The views are supposed to be better in a day without clouds, but still it was not bad. From there I went directly Rano Raraku. The site this is the quarry where the Moais came out, all those who were broken or had any problem were left stranded here, and looks like a field of mushrooms. I've been waiting a while to the rangers, who arrived half an hour late to open, and I entered as the first visitor of the day, the light should be better in the evening, but at least this morning all Moais were for myself. In this area I did the most beautiful photos of the day. Hence I have gone around the island to Anakena, the Moai beach, is a white sand beach in the middle of several small volcanoes. From there I returned again to Ahu Te Pito Kura. The largest Moai on the island that left the quarry is here, and unfortunately lying and broken. And also there is a set of spherical rocks, which is supposed to be the navel of the world (Te Pito Kura). From there back to Hanga Roa on the inland road. I had a little nap and I went to exchange food for souvenirs. Anyway I have not done very well, there are many tourists and you just get a little bit more than the price you paid in Santiago, although with a couple of items I bought in reduced price I had more profit. ">The subject of dealing withr food in Easter Island has to be investigated better, maybe alcohol can be better business.

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