Blogs from Antofagasta Region, Chile, South America - page 50


1° jour : 18 décembre Santiago-Punta Chorros Nous avons dormi chez Pancho, bon ami de Tango et nous quittons la maison avant que qui que ce soit soit réveillé pour aller petit-déjeuner chez la tante de Tango, Hélène, cousine germaine d’Hubert. Petite présentation rapide de la famille de Tango que vous allez voir. Hubert et Sylviane, le papa et la maman. Et dans l’ordre, Tango, Marine, Solenne et Raphaëlle. La voiture est là, c’est le grand départ, nous quittons Santiago et découvrons dès les premiers kilomètres des paysages insoupçonnés si près de la capitale. La route est simple Panaméricaine direction le nord, cette fantastique bande de goudron qui part du Nord du Canada et descend jusqu’à la moitié sud du Chili (jusqu’à Chiloé très exactement dont nous reparlerons très bientôt) 1°arrêt à Los Villos pour le ... read more
Les deux astres ...
Sous les cocotiers ... de la Serena
Guanaco Veloz

Three flights later and we were still in Chile but it felt like another world when we arrived in Calama near the Bolivian border. Our plan was to stay in Calama that night but not for the first time since arriving in South America our plans changed as it seemed easier to get to San Pedro de Atacama 120km away (where we were planning to go the following morning) than into Calama itself. We did wonder on the wisdom of this decision when we arrived in San Pedro just after midnight with no accomodation booked (our driver had assured us that it wouldn´t be a problem) and the first place our driver tried was shut, the second was full and the third wanted $30 each (a fortune in this part of the world)! Our luck was ... read more
Sunrise over El Tatio Geysers
Heading for a float on the Laguna

Nach dem Ende meines Sprachkurses hab ich mich in Richtung Norden aufgemacht. Ziel der knapp 24-stuendigen Fahrt im Edelbus mit zum Bett umbaubaren Sitzen war San Pedro de Atacama. Ein ziemlich merkwuerdiger Wuestenort. Bestht aus ein paar Sandwegen und unendlich vielen Reisebueros, die Ausfluege in die Umgebung anbieten. Drumherum nur die Atacama-Wueste, die trockenste Wueste der Welt. Die Sonne steht mittags senkrecht am Himmer, weil ich mich jetzt noerdlich des suedlichen Wendekreises befinde. Das Hostal Florida, dass mir von einem Typen in Santiago empfohlen wurde, entpuppte sich als ziemliches Loch. Naja, fuer 7 Euro die Nacht kann man wohl auch nicht allzu viel erwarten. Immerhin ist alles relativ sauber und es soll ja auch nicht fuer lange sein. Am Nachmittag meines Ankunftstages hab ich gleich den ersten Punkt des San Pedro Pflichtprogrammes erledigt. Ein Ausflug ins ... read more
Hostal Florida
Beim Klettern

We crossed the border into Chile around 5pm and after a short drive we reached tarmac and a proper paved road! This was a novelty as the majority of roads in Bolivia are unmade gravel roads. After being stamped into Chile, walking over a disinfectant soaked mat and a rather half-hearted bag search which didnt follow any of the procedures and rules printed on the walls in the customs office we were back on our way. A few minutes later we were on the outskirts of San Pedro De Atacama where we saw some poeple erecting a large stage. Our driver told us that there was a free concert later that evening and we should go. They failed to tell us that it was a rather large celebration for San Pedroans which we later found out. ... read more
Iguazu Falls #1
Iguazu Falls #2
Iguazu Falls #3

Ok, so we’re back in Bolivia. We’re in Uyuni this time, which has pizza, pool tables, but NOT atms. Here’s how we got here: We left La Paz for Iquique, but didn’t get such a good deal on the bus trip. Also it turned out that the bus wasn’t going to Iquique, but to Arica. We were fairly surprised by this when we got to Arica and were told to wait and hour and get on a different bus. So we waited and no bus came. Turns out the bus we had tickets for had flat tires or something and we were all transferred to another company. So, despite setting out at 6am, we didn’t get to Iquique until about 10pm. It was too dark to look for a hostel, but luckily we had made friends ... read more
The Bus
Moon Valley

So I´ve decided to write one of the blogs...Steve can take the credit for the others...I just spell check them !! So arriving in Chile was quite a sensory shock...after spending 3 nights in the Bolivian desert (very cold), we then arrived in San Pedro de Attacama, the driest desert on earth (very hot). San Pedro has definitely cottoned onto the tourist needs and there are numerous hostels, restaurants & bars, together with a generous sprinkling of hippy travellers! The main tourist attraction in San Pedro is the Valle de Luna. We initially decided that we weren´t going to book ourselves on a tour as we´d had enough of the desert, but we changed our minds at the last minute, and we were very pleased we did. The scenery was amazing...the pictures should hopefully relay that....we ... read more
Main Street - San Pedro
John Wayne church
No idea what I was ordering

The second we crossed in Chile the road became paved - very strange having spent the last 5 days bumping around in jeeps on dirt track roads. We arrived in San Pedro de Atacama, and the amount of tourists was staggering - everyone in the street was a gringo! Got touted to a hostel I was going to stay at anyway - really nice, chilled, young staff, hammocks etc..but most importantly: hot running water!! Terri went somewhere else but Bert and Marie came to Florida with me. A group of American girls arrived in my room from American Uni in Washington - Marta, Joanna, Kate and Leila. I went with them to wander round and book tours, then we drank Pisco at the hostel (the Chilean equivalent of Singani) They were IR students studying in Santiago ... read more

Hi all. Well the show is back on the road. In fact we´ve seen a lot of roads over the last week. The plan was to travel down to Uyuni and do a trip around the Salar de Uyuni, the world´s biggest salt flat covering 12,000 square km. First we took a bus south to Oruru from La Paz. All going to plan at this point - we only needed to either get the train or bus to Uyuni and all would be well with the world. However, the gods were not smiling on us, in fact their demeanor was to be positively hostile. Both the road to Uyuni and the trainline were closed because of a blockade and we were told that it would be dangerous to try the route. Rather than chancing our arm ... read more
Incendiary sunset at the Salar de Uyuni
Laguna Verde
The Three Amigos

The next couple of days were interesting to say the least. We had a two day bone-shaker ride off road accross the Altiplano, staying in the most basic of basic hostals. Towards the end of the first day all had been going well until the sand started to give way under the truck almost tipping over before getting stuck. We all had to get out as quickly as possible and I found myself stood in shorts and a vest top in the freezing cold. The jeep that was guiding us soon came back when we didn´t arrive at the hostal and I managed to blag Matt´s football shirt and the first lift back to the hostal, along with Caroline and Alex. The pictures do not really do the hostal justice - there was no heating (it ... read more
The Altiplano - Bolivia
Rare pink flamingos on the Altiplano
A better pic of pink flamingos

They say that you can’t travel around South American and not have something stolen and the're right! On an overnight bus from San Pedro Atacama to Arica we had one of our bags stolen in a split second laps of concentration. We had a backpack (with Rich’s new camera in it!) on the shelf above our heads only because there wasn’t enough room by our legs. We had stopped at Calama to pick up other passengers and I got off the bus to get a drink, leaving Rich sat on the bus. A couple of guys got on the bus and walked up and down the isle, seemingly looking for their seats. Then one guy lent over Rich pretending to wave at someone outside, thus blocking Rich’s view whilst the other guy grabbed the bag. We ... read more
Chicha session
Chicha session with the locals
Bex having a dance - local style

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