Blogs from Aisén, Chile, South America - page 20


South America » Chile » Aisén » Carretera Austral February 24th 2007

Hello All! Well we made it back to Argentina and are now in our first reasonably sized town for a long time so I can finally update the blog. Thank you for your messages, it’s really nice to know what is going on back home. We are both on top form, the Carretera Austral was everything we hoped it would be and more- quite an adventure...definately a great road to do on bikes and one of the highlights of our trip so far. It´s difficult to describe the experience in the blog but I´ve had a go as you will see. However, I last left off the blog at Puerto Montt which seems a long time ago now so I´d better think back.... From Puerto Montt, as planned we took the ferry to Chiloe which was ... read more
Dancing the Cueca-traditional Chilote dance
Lots of wool products in Chiloe!
Another rainy day on the Carretera!

South America » Chile » Aisén » Carretera Austral February 24th 2007

Salut a toutes et a tous, merci pour vos messages et vos encouragements, mais nous notons que certains sont en hibernations peut etre ! Nous sommes toujours tres curieux et impatient d'entendre de vos nouvelles du cote de la France. En ce qui nous concerne, tout roule ! Sans jeu de mot ! Nous allons changer nos chaines qui maintenant comptabilisent plus de 4 500 km et donc un peu usees; mais les jambes sont en pleines formes... Nous reprenons donc le periple sur l'ile de Chiloe au Sud de Puerto Montt. Nous arrivons dans la deuxieme ville de l'ile Ancud et campons au bord d'une falaise avec vue imprenable. Le pueblo est tranquille et ici les touristes viennent pour l'authenticite des lieux, vieilles maisons de bois, eglises typiques qui sont pour la plupart inscrites au ... read more
Hospetaje a Quemchy
Eglise de Chiloe
campement sur la carretera

South America » Chile » Aisén » Carretera Austral February 12th 2007

Carretera Austral Santa Lucia We arrived into the small pueblo of Santa Lucia. When I say small, I mean like 30 people, all of which we saw on the day and a half that we were in Santa Lucia. We played soccer, caught up on journals, enjoyed the amazing mountains which surrounded us. That night, we camped and had a good pasta meal that we cooked up ourselves. The "campground" was a yard next to a mini market complete with roosters and dogs. Not kidding. We played Yaniv an Isreali card game until it started raining then we departed our respective tents. The next monring we awoke, it was still raining, but we broke down camp and ran over to the only cafe in town which is a home and hospedeje as well. Had some fried ... read more

South America » Chile » Aisén » Carretera Austral February 10th 2007

Dust. Headwinds. Gusts from the side strong enough to blow cyclists off the road. The occasional tailwind! Rain. Climbs, descents and more climbs. Gravel roads. Endless corrugations. Potholes. Teeth rattled loose in the jaw. Stock cubes turned to a residue that is reminiscent of used engine oil. A blessed stretch of tarmac. Tábanos (horseflies) in at least three, equally voracious and persistent species. Orange-framed bridges over turquoise rivers. Turquoise lakes. Deep green rivers. Hundreds of waterfalls freefalling out of clouds. Roads hugging the edges of cliffs high above turbulent rivers. Condors floating in the heavens. Forest as far as the eye can see. Mountain sides too steep for vegetation to cling to. Landslides. Wildflowers. Green valleys. Grazing cattle. Raw slashes of bulldozed land that marks a new settler's beginnings and hopes. Occasional farmsteads. Paddocks of grasses ... read more
Leaving Cochrane
Between Cochrane and Puerto Bertrand
At the top of yet one more climb

South America » Chile » Aisén » Carretera Austral January 6th 2007

The Carretera Austral (Southern Highway) is a road made of dirt and gravel which runs through the south of Chile from Puerto Montt to Villa O´higgins over 1000km due south. We knew that it was going to be a challenge to drive & that there was a real possibility of us damaging the car or breaking down & getting stuck in the middle of nowhere for awhile so we made sure we were very prepared before we left Puerto Montt. We had bought a lot of food & tonnes of water for our trip but on the morning we left we popped back to the supermarket to get last minute supplies (mostly chocolate) then headed to a garage to buy a can of petrol just in case we should have trouble finding any on the road. ... read more
Trouble at  sea .... well nearly
We are sailing ... Phew!
Hurry up with my dinner wench!

South America » Chile » Aisén » Carretera Austral November 14th 2006

Nick: Well. Since we last posted and aired our concerns on the trip things have taken a turn: for the best!! We left the farm house after our last post and headed for Quellon in order to be in situ for the ferry crossing the next day, at midday. We rode into town, found a nice (in fact THE NICEST YET) cabaña and got ready for a meal. Whilst out we met up with a German couple: Dirk and Brita, who like us, had ordered from the restaurant menu and found themselves with a dish piled higher than it was wide. As it turns out they, too, were there for the ferry. We went home, started a fire in the stove and listened to the driving wind and rain before rolling up, cosy and warm, in ... read more
As you can see,
Our fellow ferry crossing veterans!

South America » Chile » Aisén » Monte San Valentin April 1st 2006

After our 12 hour flight from New Zealand we made it here safely, to a warm welcome from Casey´s AFS host family. They wisked up to Los Andes and fed us our first yummy chilean meal. It was then decided that due to it being Saturday we needed to experience the local nightlife. We had a great night out in a discotech, (chile´s nightclubs) and made it home about 6am, being about 30 hours after we had our last real sleep. Not the best jetlag treatment! The next day Carlos and Sandra took us up to Portillo, which is a skifield on the road over the Andes to Argentina. This was the first closeup to the massive Andes, and they are hugely impressive! On Monday Casey and I walked up Cerro de la Virgen this is ... read more
Casey´s host family up at Portillo
Steven standing above Santiago
Casey and Lorena

South America » Chile » Aisén » Carretera Austral March 9th 2006

Some other backpackers told me that there was a beatuful boat crossing including some hiking into Argentina......I had to hurry to make it in time for the wednesday ferry, but hurrying and hitching is not a good combination. I broke my record of waiting !! it went up from one hour (and that in 3 weeks hitchhiking!!!) to 7 hours, yeah almost a full day. next day was sort of the same couse just a couple cars passing by a day (Probably you wonder why I didn't take the bus....becouse they just drive there once or twice a week!!!) So I unexpectedly made it on Tuesday to Villa O higgins, wich realy felt like the end of the world, but a beautiful world full with glaciars, snowcapped mountains, waterfalls, fiords and one dirt road!! My happiness ... read more
Making dinner with other backpacker
this is where it started
Lousy map

South America » Chile » Aisén » Carretera Austral March 2nd 2006

A la mañana siguiente retomamos la carretera austral camino a Cohiaique, que siempre la estan mejorando pero aun asi el promedio de velocidad no supera los 50 km/h, nos demoramos 30 minutos en el cruce del desvio a Puerto Cisnes porque estaban agrandando la carretera y habian dinamitado y estaban tirando las piedras flojas...asi que nos hicieron pasar con todas las piedras flojas por encima de la cabeza, pasamos a los pedos con un cagaso infernal!!!JUAAAA!! en la foto pueden ver la situacion, el personaje que esta al lado de mi primo ganaba $160.000, asi que saquen imposible la vida en Chile tanto para nosotros como para los chilenos, donde la carne esta a $4000 el kilo, el diesel al doble, las verduras al triple o mas...asi debe ser que les gusta el LUCHE ese ... read more
Casas en el Camino
El Blanco
Capilla de Marmol

South America » Chile » Aisén » Carretera Austral March 1st 2006

Dejamos la hosteria alrededor de las 10 de la mañana y fuimos a recargar el tanque sabiamos que el precio era caro pero ni idea que saldria el doble que en Argentina, en la foto se pueden ver los costos y sobre la derecha una especie de monumento a la carretera austral Presidente Augusto Pinochet, igualmente no pudimos cargar porque estaba rota la maquina de expendio, asi que hasta Pto. Puyuhuapi unos 100km mas teniamos que estirar el diesel, salimos raudos por la carretera al principo se pueden ver tierras de pastoreo pero rapidamente se torna al paisaje selvatico a unos 10 km se pueden ver los Saltos del Rodado unas pequeñas cascadas muy pintorescas, luego se bordea el rio Risopatron que nace en el lago del mismo nombre que recuerda a Luis Risopatron quien realizo ... read more
Carretera Austral
Puerto Cisnes

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