The old lady of Ipanema

Published: July 16th 2006
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Here are some more pictures of Rio, having incredible time although Max, Rory and Ben left on the 3rd and am missing them loads. Hope the move to the country went well and that you have commenced jam making sen!!! And Wiggles hope the training is going well, miss you! Spent my 23rd birthday sailing around Rio drinking Caipirinhas, was such an amazing day with big group of people from the hostel ... Read Full Entry

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17th July 2006

halter neck tops
cant believe it loz...these boys pulls off our tops pretty damn well...dont know if i'll ever be able to wear my again!! sounds like ur loving SA - how good is it!?? wish we cd be there with u - or u here with us! juls just told me we have 24 days left of WT - i'm away off to cry!! love u loads x x x xx
17th July 2006

Disgrace and shame on loz in brazil
Millions of miles between us and a few months of severance still can never halt me being the no 1 commenter on you blog, looks awesome, 24 days left until we majorly get the blues and 30 days for you! in Hoi An just now headed up to Hue tom to do some motorbike tour, then off to hanoi and over into laos the big Js are scared its going way too fast! have found some brilliant eateries here that serve lots of fried food and there are baguettes on every corner... 1 of the first things we said was how much you would like it here for this very reason! miss you fitzy it will be nice to be with people you have known a while again so can act less normal and not be thought of as wierd like us!! make the most of the last few weeks son xxx
17th July 2006

who is this new friend you have VERY jealous...!!missing you more than anything take care big kiss xxxxxxxxx
20th July 2006

Hi Lauren, It is so good having Max home. Have loved hearing all the news about your adventures! Enjoy the rest of your tour and take care. Hope to see you when you get back to UK. Love from us both.XX
24th July 2006

LP, i am disappointed that you stuck the picture of me and Phil wearing your tops in, although being a Mainsail model i look good in anything!!. More importantly Team Consumption expects better than 3 caipirinhas before being so drunk that you cant manage to go out. You have standards and you are not living upto them. I too think you need to fix up, look sharpe. Having put my flights back til September i expect an improvement or there will be trouble. Tee he he.

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