Ilha Grande - relaxing (NS)

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South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Ilha Grande
February 19th 2006
Published: March 6th 2006
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View from Ilha Grande
Ilha Grande is a quiet Island just off the South Coast of Rio. It is covered with Atlantic rainforest, has only two cars (ambulance and police car) and has loads of quiet clean beaches which can only be accessed by boat or long walks. The first day was spent getting famliliar with our surroundings and catching up with things. The intention was to update the blog, unfortunately internet access on the island was that slow it seemed to be via WAP, so we gave it up as a bad job. The night was spent with an Irish couple (Sarsha and Peter), a Curitiban couple (Phillipe and Marsha) and a couple who were at university in Rio (Isabella and Fred). We drank Cachaça, vodka and guarana and talked about the corruption in Brazil, their love of football and how few English speakers are fluent in any other language.

The second day was spent relaxing to the point of boredom (on Tas´s part who was like a fidgety child desperate to play out - but it was raining).

The third day was an expedition through the forest to a remote beach. We found the beach after 2 hours walking and spent

After two hours walking we found our beach
most of the day there swimming and lying under a palm tree watching some giant ants build a nest. We also drank some guarana (herb-based soft drink) - the Brazilians swear by it and now so does Tas. We spent the evening on the beach getting drunk on Caparhinias. The next morning after a fight with the campsite manager about how much we owed we headed back to Angrus Dos Reis on the Brazilian mainland. We found a hostel with a comfy bed, much needed after 3 nights in a tent then booked our bus back to Rio for carnaval the next day.

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Relaxing on the boat to Ilha Grande

6th March 2006

Nice chest matey, where's the tan?

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