we got to kayak today!!!

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South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Ilha Grande
February 8th 2008
Published: February 8th 2008
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Today was a fabulous day because we got to go Kayaking in the Atlantic!!!! Rach and I saw a live starfish for the first time, it was bright orange and bigger than my face. Crazy. I also had one of the sweetest/most stupid kayaking experience of my life. Rachel and I were kayaking in some coves, protected from the waves and winds, so, we didn~t wear our life jacket. bad choice😊 Well, we ventured out into some more open water, the waves were a bit bigger, but we thought we could get into another cove on the island, so we just kept going. Then, some really big boats spead past us and kicked up some waves and soon we were kayaking in waves that were taller than we were. Rachel and I were screaming, I was like Dear Jesus help me, it was quite intense, huge adrenaline rush. Thank God we made it without capsizing, and it was actually a pretty sweet ride, but next time, Im wearing a life jacket. 😊

So, backtrack, we forgot to talk about one of the Hallmarks of Rio, the Christ the Redeemer statue. It is so cool. You can see it from basically anywhere in the city, kind of a reminder that Jesus is always watching you and is always there..., Also, the view from the top is gorgeous, it looks over Rio and the Ocean, and when we were there clouds were constantly moving around us, covering us in mist and fog, then clearing, then appearing again. Beautiful. That is all i have time for now, love you friends and am praying for you, Becky


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