Worlds Most Dangerous Road - Coroico, La Paz

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South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Yungas Road
November 9th 2006
Published: November 16th 2006
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So... after the fun of the fair that was Lake Titicaca, we got another bus to a place called Copacobana, although due to it chucking it down with rain, we decided to stay on the bus, and head for our next destination La Paz! Our first land border crossing passed without incedent, as we headed into Bolivia... although having to get out the bus, and cross a large river on a boat, watching the bus cross the river on another boat made us laff... no photos though, sorry!

Got to La Paz, seemed like a cool place, although we did not get to see too much of it in the couple of days we were there... checked into Hostel Austria, nice clean rooms, not much else... although lovely hot showers, which we hear is a bit of a luxury for Bolivia. Headed out to sample abit of western culture (Burger King) before turning in for the night due to a bit of stomach ache... next day, booked to go down (drum roll please)...... THE MOST DANGEROUS ROAD IN THE WORLD!!!! with Gravity Bolivia. Supposedly the best company for the job! Dont scrimp when ya bones are involved, thats what we think!!!

Early start at about 6.15am, met the rest of our crew for breakfast (Giant Croissants) followed by a cool giant jeep ride up to the starting point... quick pep talk by the Gravity Instructor, and got allocated our bikes... top end front and rear suspension machines... did nt mean much to Karen, she aint been in a saddles since she was 11!!! Looking a little nervous she was...

So, first section, nice and easy sealed tarmac road... yeah right! 60kmp downhill on a bike you aint ever been on before! Aggressively sharp disk brakes which should stop you in a second, or send you over the handle bars, wearing goggles and a helmet which instantly got covered in dust and mud! Still highly exhillarating though!!!

It only got harder... next it was onto the gravel track, with steep 400m drops on the side, navigating your way round other bikers and articulated lorries and dogs!!! Great fun... highly recommended.

By now, Karen was getting a bit nippy round the corners, swaying, using her knees like she was on a Ducati, going round Donnington. Good stuff...

64km later, we were at the bottom, covered in mud, dust and dead flies, with only one breif skirmish with death when James fell off going though a water section... nothing to worry about.

Reward was a t-shirt and beer at the bottom, with a nice buffet lunch, swim, hot shower and some leisurely time playing with monkeys.

Cracking day... one problem. Had to get all the way back up to the top, to get back to La Paz. 4 hours in a jeep, looking over the side aof the sheer drop at where lorries had gone over filled us with confidence. But we survived, got home and went to sleep!!!

Nothing much to report from La Paz. Next day, another ridiculously early morning (6am), to get 3 flights to bring us to our next stop..... Buenos Aires... top notch steaks here we come!!!

No photos yet!!! Guys from Gravity took the photos, and we aint heard from them yet!!!


18th November 2006

Thanks for your colourful descriptions and top tips!
Hi Guys, It was great to read about your experiences in Lima, Cuzco and Machu Picchu....Mitch and I are off in three weeks, spending some time in Cuzco, then doing the Machu Picchu trek and staying on the reeds at Lake Titicaca...we have one "Home stay" with a family and I was a bit worried about that bit...but if you survived it! We are then on to Ecuador, staying in Quito, a bit of a stay in the amazon Jungle and then a cruise round the galapagos for lots of wild life, snorkelling and hopefully diving. Keep the up dates coming! We will definitely be taking the Lonely Planet and have highlighted your recommendations! XCX

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