Yolosa (Casa de Tony). Charazani. Sorata.

Published: May 3rd 2009
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So last catch up and then I´m thru...This story will be about the period (more or less) april 1 to may 7 . From Cusco,Peru to Yolosa,Bolivia (29 march to 24 april, mas o menos) As u understood, or not, as Tova had only 3 weeks for the whole trip,we had to get to Cusco, Peru very quickly, which made me skip Tony´s house in Bolivia. So after 2 weeks in Cusco I returned back to La Paz, Bolivia, to... Read Full Entry

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4th May 2009

amazing- again!!
I think i start to understand now how magical those places must be...and all the mist ...you are riding on a beautiful vibe!! did you celebrate Easter with - whats there's name- turkish dancers? (forgot the name of that ritualistic dance..) keep the gentel gorgeous-ness going. neshikot PS proud of you for putting the POLICE in the place.. Yael
5th May 2009

How on earth
Will I enter the gates of New York after all this beauty indeed????? Anyway, lets hope I will stand tha shock... C U end of august Yefefya!
6th October 2010

potencial turistico.
Yo, soy de la población de Chullina, que pertenece al municipio de Charazani y me apena mucho que: no exista ninguna información de éste girón patrio, que es uno de los lugares mas atractivos en turismo, en fauna y flora es sin duda la potencia en fauna y flora, ademas, la gente originaria de habla quechua, con vestimenta caracteristico del lugar con las artesanias elaborados en el lugar. Chullina, es el lugar, donde existen aun mitos , leyendas e historias aun no publicadas. Amigo turista, visitantes de otros paises y pueblos, visitenos Chullina y te volverás con la mochila llena de maravillas de que contar a los tuyos y escribir un maravilloso libro. Atte: tu amigo Daniel Bermudez Castro

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