Lago Titicaca

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South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Copacabana
January 28th 2010
Published: January 28th 2010
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We arrived from Cusco to Puno to find that the buses were on a strike. Our plan had originally been to spend the day on Lago Titicaca and try to find a bud out of there already the same night. As this wouldn't work out, and Puno isn't a very beautiful city (to put it nicely) we decided to go to see the lake from the bolivian side instead. You do that from the little city of Copacabana which is a very nice little place!

The first day we went to see Islas Flotantes, which is a floating island made out of straw with little huts on them. Originally they were made by peolpe who wanted to escape from the Incas and therefore just sailed around on the little island, hoping not to float to close to the shore.

The next day we went to Isla del Sol which was just absolutely amazing! I don't have enough words to describe it properly, but look at the pictures and you'll see what I mean. I (Jonna) was still very ill from the cold I caught in Machu Pichu so it took us about 2 hours to walk up the stairs, including a looooot of short breaks and a little longer break for yoghurt. But we had loads of time so it was fine, and when we got to the top it was so worth it.

The day after we left for Arequipa which you can read more about in the next entry which I'm going to write now 😊

Lots of love / Lina & Jonna

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30th January 2010

hello, your pictures are very nice. I am supposed to leave for lac titicaca in 2 weeks. How is the weather there? I hear it rains every day almost all day, is it true? Is it cold? Many thanks for your answer. caroline
1st February 2010

hi! when we were in Copacabana it was nice, not too cold (except for out on the lake where it's very windy) and sunny. Isla del Sol was amazing, but I've heard from others that the islands are are nicer from Puno, from the peruvian side of the lake, but Puno isn't a very nice city. Copacabana was really nice... so I dunno. are you travelling in South America or just in Peru? where else have you been?
27th February 2010

Jonna kom hem! Gud va bra ni verkar ha det, jag är rädd att om du får stanna längre så får jag aldrig se dig på svensk mark igen..! ' Å ta med dig den där hunden va, herregud, jag smälter! kram kram kram

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