
Published: April 16th 2007
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I just got back from Iguazu falls about an hour and a half ago... they were awesome.

We got on a huge motor boat and drove down the river for a bit, the falls werent in sight, but when we turned that corner and I saw them for the first time... Wow... all I can I couldnt have asked for a nicer day to do it, not a cloud in the sky, it was a bit hot though. But anyways back to the falls... they were huge, tons of them, we went under a few and got DRENCHED, it was nice too cool off though. We hiked around the area for hours and hours seeing the falls from all different viewpoints, I could have spent days there. I wish you all could have seen it. Later on in the day we walked on a platform that was pretty much right over the Devils throat.. as they call it... the biggest water fall, it was incredible. I cant really describe what it was like to see them, I wont ever forget today. I suggest you all get down here and see them.

Dont worry, I think I probably took 100 pictures of them, alot probably look the same but, I got picture-happy. I took a couple second video of it too. Im still in the slow internet region, but when I get out of here to a bigger city with faster internet I will put tons of pictures and the video for you all.


17th April 2007

through your eyes
..we are touring SA with you--what adventure and good descriptions--got your E mail and we are missing you but feel so good for you and you are "growing" as you said All our love

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