
Argentina's flag
South America » Argentina » Misiones » Posadas
April 18th 2007
Published: April 18th 2007
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Well we took a bus 5 hours west of Puerto Iguazu to a place called Posadas... theres really nothing to do here, but an hour and a half away are some Jesuit ruins... really doesnt interest me that much, but it was the way I was heading anyways so I thought I would check it out.

On the bus some sort of police...or military came on with a dog and took the 3 people I was travelling with off the bus and told them they could smell marijuana on them...(untrue) and tried to get them to confess to having some, they didnt obviously.

The hostel we are in right now is shit, the room has 4 beds but barely has room for one, its boiling hot and Im guessing I will wake up tommorow morning covered in mosquito bites.

Ive also noticed in Argentina that no one seems to have any change at stores or hostels... you hand them a 20 for something that costs 10 and they ask if you have any smaller bills. Everywhere this happens....

I have a 15 hour bus ride from here to Cordoba tommorow, shouldnt be too bad, its a night bus so I can get some sleep hopefully.

Will update in a couple days.

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Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Jesuit RuinsJesuit Ruins
Jesuit Ruins

Jesuit Ruins
Jesuit RuinsJesuit Ruins
Jesuit Ruins

Just...tilt your head to the side, I dont want to take the time to fix it
Bus RideBus Ride
Bus Ride

Start of 17 hour bus ride from Posadas to Cordoba

19th April 2007

Magical Mystery Tour
Hi Andrew, I start my day by reading your Blog. The visit on the bus by the police must have been a bit worrying for all concerned - perhaps makes you appreciate our system here a bit more. Your experiences, so far, have been great and I'm enjoying my trip through you! Take care Lyn

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