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November 16th 2007
Published: November 16th 2007
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I have just checked and Aarons flight is delayed like 2 hrs - i didnt need to get up this early dammit!! Yesterday I got heaps of spanish practice! I went to this plaza that was totally turistified and walked round it fobbing off all the stall holders until the very end i started talking to some woman called Soledad. and i dont really know how it happened but i ended up hanging out at her and her cousins stalls for like 5 hrs drinking their beer, practising spanish, learning how to make some of the jewellery and playing with their kid. and then they went away for a while and left me manning the stall!! i didnt sell anything though. one of the cousins i think was pretty taken with me and tried to make me go to ushuaia with him (the most southern city in the world) and was saying all these compliments to me that i understood but pretended not to. and he made me a present from the jewellery wire - a marijuana leaf earring. how appropriate... not! the kid was sooo cute though! they asked me to come back today but i dont think i will! my new word of the day is quizas which means {maybe} and is easy to rememebr cos it sounds like kiss ass.
last night i went out clubbing with brazilians and learnt some of their dance moves. they are fun dancers! got back at 5 today hence the effort to get up this morning.
lastly hopefully today i will get some photos on here that arent of austrians, if i get my act together. chau 😊


14th December 2007

wot a gr8 blog entry, so funi!!

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