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South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires
November 17th 2007
Published: November 17th 2007
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Hullo, i (Aaron) arrived in Buenos Aires yesterday at about 3:30, my flight was aiit, can´t say i´m to keen on sitting in one spot for 12 hours tho. The airport is way out on the outskirts of the city, kinda, so we caught a bus back to the city then a car transfer. The car transfer took about an hour to driving around the city in rush hour traffic, about a ten minute car ride usually. Traffic, the roads, and the drivers are crazy, theres like 13 lanes on the motorway in one direction and there always cutting each other off.
Anyways were leaving Buenos Aires today and hopping on a bus heading northwest towards Salta, still in argentina, the bus ride is about 20 hours. Emily can teach me some spanish on the ride cuz people keep saying stuff to me in spanish and all can i do is look at them blankly and go huh. Some people speak english tho, theres this dude at our hostel, Winston, a Brazilian guy who speaks pritty good english. Theres some other all round good dudes at the hostel too. Aiit enough rambling for now, peace out.

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