Day 33 Queenstown

October 31st 2014
Published: November 9th 2014
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This was a big day which everyone had been pretty excited about because for travellers everyone really couldn't resist and going heavy on costumes. Another part of our preparation was to try a Fergburger (the infamous New Zealand burger place) Em and I being smart cookies opted for getting one each and halving them. Now let me tell you these are the biggest burgers I have ever eaten. Nonetheless without getting hanged or shot in the head, (seriously fergburger is like a cult) I did think they were delicious and such good value but they weren't this mind blowing sensation, life altering experience I was expecting from previous describers.

We also had an exploration around the town a little, resisting the urge to spend loads of money in Jayjays, which has become my new favourite shop or maybe in an equal love as Forever 21 for clothes. It has really nice clothes, which don't cost a load and just scream buy me – although for the sake of not spending all my money I have to control myself.

We had decided to go as Mexican day of the dead or also known as sugar skulls for Halloween. So this entailed 2 whole hours of facepainting our faces whilst skeletons, furry animals and hippies also crowded around us preparing themselves for the night ahead. It was quite the squash in the tiny room, whilst regularly being accosted by the staff for the possibility we might be drinking (it's a dry hostel). Quite bemusing really hearing a knock on the door, a faint shout of "nomads" and then a bald guy painted as a zombie coming in a scouring for alcohol anywhere. I felt like I was smuggling around drugs.

We sort of dotted from bar to bar for Halloween (my dedication to maintaining my facepaint went to the level that I was having tequila through a straw – commitment to the cause) and ended up in the Find again, which had really gone to town on the asylum theme they had chosen, complete with operating table with pigs head and lamb heart, which I found out was real after prodding it several times and asking Sam the vet we had befriended. Although looking back on it, that could easily have been a joke and for the reaction of disgust on my face was probably funny for whoever made such a rumour.

From here we then went onto The Boiler room which was rammed full but great fun and probably saw the most surreal moment, bar the hostel alcohol zombie police, where a hotdog and Derek dressed as a duck danced around a poll on a table. Emily also by this point had obviously lacked my commitment to facepaint maintainence as she only had half a face left and the rest was smudged.


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