Bondi Beach/Halloween!

October 31st 2009
Published: November 3rd 2009
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Fandabadozey day! We woke up with every intention to go to the beach today. One of the most famous ones in Sydney is Bondi Beach and it completely lived up to its expectations. On our way to find the bus stop we had a right bit of luck. I asked a guy for directions to the bus stop and he said he didn't know but he had 2 full travel tickets valid for the next 3 days. They can get you on any train, bus or ferry in Sydney and places nearby! Which meant we all only needed to split the cost of one return ticket to Bondi Beach. Also along the way we discovered the most cheapest, awesome sushi shop ever! It is $2.70 for one whole roll (an actual full length fat roll) or $10 for 4. This means it's only like £1.50 for a whole roll at home, amazing. Not to mention it tastes incredible! We had to get the train to Bondi Junction and then bus it to the beach, pretty easy process!

When I first got a glimpse of the sea I got actual shivers I was that excited. I never get more of a buzz than seeing the ocean.. as I do as you all know, want to be a mermaid! The sea is just so inviting. Luckily Bondi Beach has netting so no sharks can get to us, won't be losing any limbs today luckily 😊. So oh my days this place is beautiful. The entire beach is a huge cove, not what I expected at all. We were on the surfer side of the beach where the waves were much stronger, which means more eye candy for us! I so want to surf while I'm here, do a course or something. My friend today said shes doing a 4 day surfing camp and they provide accomodation etc, definitely considering it! We did a spot of sunbathing which was absolutely delicious as I felt my skin sizzle. About time I got some colour in me. Once heated up a bit we went into the sea! As the waves were stronger we were thrown about a bit but it was still incredible. Walked all the way along the beach after that, straigh to the other end. It was definitely calmer but a lot more packed with families. Definitely preferred our end! Marc said there is a 2 hour walkway that leads to other nice beaches that he wants to plan on doing, I'm totally up for it! Sunbathed a bit more, fell asleep in the sun.. oops! Luckily had my factor 50 on, ha. Taking precautions here! Still burnt in a few areas though ugh. Went on a mission to find some food. There's a good few hostels here and we're definitely going to come and stay here for a week once we're finished at the Wake Up hostel. We found a cheap restaurant with a girl from England who started her job there a few days ago, she's been in Oz for 6 weeks and has landed herself a great waitress job overlooking the sea, how perfect! Definitely has given me hope for getting a job now. I'm also seriously considering looking for Bondi apartments rather than Sydney. I would rather live by a beach for the next few months than in another city, as great as Sydney is.. but I've lived in a city all my life! I need a change of scenery, y'know?

So I munched on some delicious $10 pizza and then we went back to the hostel. Halloween tonight so we needed much time to prepare for the night ahead! I have my awesome red wig just didn't dress as anything in particular. lame! Some newbies had arrived in our dorm. Some hot as hell guy from south england who plays guitar and is moving to oz for the next year or 2 to do a pilot course, how awesome! It has encouraged me more to take a flying lesson, they're pretty cheap out here. I would give anything to have the opportunity to fly a plane. So the room was a bit chaotic. His friends had come in to play some drinking games and everyone was fighting over the mirror to get all bloodied and face painted up. But it was fun! Got absolutely smashed off goon again and then we all went to side bar. Absolute chaos! All I remember is being stood outside while Zoe was chatting to some hot french guy she fancies the ass off. As Zoe speaks french she was putting her skills to good use! But then the next thing Zoe isn't allowed back into the bar because she's too drunk (lol) and I pop back inside to the toilet, and bump into the french guy who has lost his phone in the bar so I give him a hand to try and find it (we never did) and then once I got back outside.. Zoe's gone! Completely gone and I had no idea where the hell she was. I went up to the room and she wasn't there so I went into panic mode. The french guy was with us so she obviously wasn't with him! Luckily a girl called Poppy in our room tells us that shes actually in the toilets vomiting her guts up, poor girl. Rushing to the toilet to check shes okay, wow she was wasted, but surviving. Still vomiting in an empty goon box in the room I double check shes okay. Poppy said she will look after us if me and marc want to carry on the night and go out. Zoe told us to go, so we did! Marc's friend Adam was coming out to meet us on Oxford Street so we head out there, which is Sydney's version of Canal Street! Ended up in the gayest club ever, it was pretty cool and I got a balloon out of it! Plus my wig was looking awesome and I received many compliments for it :D. Then me and marc left, went to another place called Columbia but it was pretty shite so we left to get food instead.

Bless Marc, at the take away place the guy was new and by accident gave him a dollar short, so Marc kicked up a fuss hahaha. Then some big guy who also works there came over and was like 'ALRIGHT COOL IT MATE' so I was like Marc lets just sit down and eat. But then Marc was meant to get a bottle of water with his meal and they never brought it over, so he kicked up a fuss again and was like OKAY THIS IS A JOKE. It was very lollable and entertaining. Turned out the food was actually delicious. I had some gorgeous chicken and avacado wrap (with no chips, go me!). Then we went back to the hostel.

The journey home was a LOT longer than the journey going. I had to take my heels off, predictably. We kept asking people for directions and we just kept going down different streets until eventually after going in one huge circle we find the hostel. Side bar is still alive and kicking so we decide to plan on going in.. but as I'm putting my shoes back on some idiot Australian guy in the queue got all bloody cocky on me and was like 'I TOLD YA TO PUT YOUR SHOES ON' in the most patronising way ever! Okay so if any of you know me, I do not tollerate rudeness well when I'm drunk. In fact I become a lot more rude than the person insulting me, I go beyond the barriers of maturity and pretty much lose it. So I told him to stfu. He had 3 other Oz mates with him who then started on me by taking the piss out of my height. One of them was like 'hey shorty, wanna slide under this barrier and come in with us, you don't even need to bend to come under'. so then I REALLY lost it.. in front of a whole queue of people! I basically told him to lay off the steroids (clearly on steroids) because it still didn't disguise the overload of fat hanging and his goddamn ugly face. I also said that it was pretty lame that because they can't get Australian chicks they have to be desperate enough to come to a backpacking bar in attempt to pull Europeans. So it kind of went round in circles. Marc was throwing abuse at them as well which was pretty entertaining. But then.. oh my days they COMPLETELY overstepped the mark.. they took my wig off! NOW I WAS PISSED. At first it had been a bit of joke but now I full on lost it. He was hanging it in the middle of the road and I was pretty sure he was going to throw it. I wouldn't mind but it's a goddamn hot wig and pretty expensive! So I basically made them feel guilty as shit and acted genuinally upset to the point that they gave it me back, unharmed. SCORE! Obviously I then insulted the crap out of them again. The funny thing was they got rejected from the bar anyway and left.. haaaaaa!

So after all that entertainment we then are sat outside and are greeted by some gay guy who won't stop talking. He basically tells us about all the sexual encounters he's had while travelling, which kind of grossed us out. Went severely into detail about a 3some he had .. lovely! Once he finished talking about his wonderful sexual experiences we headed back upstairs. Everyone was asleep in our room and I still wasn't tired so we headed to the lounge area next to our room and I started reading my book. Got interuptted by a cool American girl from our room. She was clearly wasted. Then french guy came back as he had also been out! We were all chatting until eventually Marc passed out on the sofas, the American girl went to bed so it was just me and french boy left! Went outside with him while he had a smoke, found a cool pair of those fake glasses and noses


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