The one with the start of winter...

June 8th 2009
Published: June 8th 2009
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Well another week in- June has brought the winter season into swing for us and also some change.

We started the week recovering from the Abel tasman walk as Josh's ankle has really caused some pain. Monday we drove down to Westport- where I can honestly say there is very little going on! So we treated ourselve to a yummy fish and veg dinner..... I then checked my bank balance, not great news.... so a job hunt is on the cards! Tuesday we drove down to Hokitika and I basically had to leave the wallet in the hostel so not to spend money on Jade jewellery! Josh's ankle had recovered somewhat and so he decided to do a walk he takled last time he was here - his description was that it went straight up and up and up, but the view was amazing at the top. Me being lame little me switched off with the first mention of 'up' and so spent the day walking along the FLAT beach whilst Josh beat his time from 2 years ago! IN the evening we popped into a local and took in the pub quiz- not entering just guessing the answers! Wednesday we drove down to Franz Josef, with money worries blossoming! We arrived by midday and so went for a walk to view the glaciers - although it was yet another uphill climb (I'm sure Josh is addicted to going up, i'm more of a fan of flats or going down!) We had a chilled evening and I booked myself onto the full day glacier climb- telling myself this was my LAST expense until I found a job in Queenstown!

The glacier climb was amazing, well worth the money- they kit you out, split you into two groups (fast and slow) I was in the fast- alright! And then they take you on up to the ice.... walking in cramp ons didn't really phase me and the views were just spectacular! We walked up ice steps, over cracks, through cracks and through tunnels! The ice is a bright blue where the oxygen is still locked in. Our guide, although only 20 was one of the most advanced guides and new his stuff (he liked to tell us he knew his stuff too, over and over) so now i'm well informed on glaciers.... well, a little, i think. Just don;'t ask too many questions hehe. My camera has well and truly passed on, but luckily an american man took pity on me and is going to send the photos to me via email - so you can see me all kitted up with the glaciers behind me, the ice around me and the smile on my face. That evening I returned to the hostel and made full use of the free spa and had an early night!

Friday we spent driving the 200k to Queenstown - we arrived, booked into the hostel and I immediately set off to check out the work scene.... all ski jobs were taken back in March, so thats a no go and there are about 300 other people here right now looking for a job also! ARGH! Bars and cafes will be taking more on when the ski season picks up (it only opened this saturday) but it's pretty gut wrenching seeing money dwindle and to walk into ten venues only to be told no or see your CV be put into a pile of others inches high!!! Will keep trying though - someone must be willing to give two friendly folk a job! I have made a small handful of friends in my hostel and they are already proving handy- Sarah is english and has a bar job and so is trying to get me one also, and Sam works for the ski rental shop and so has been able to give me and Sarah a hefty discount on hiring ski gear! And free lessons!

So this is what I have done today- my first ski session!!! I was all kitted out, I certainly looked the part....however when you're taken right to the top of the mountain, Coronet peak, and you've never been on a ski lift before.... well it's pretty daunting! Though I was told there were easy slopes up there to learn on, but Sam (the guy teaching me) didn't seem to think that these would turn into advance slopes.... yes in my first hour of skiing EVER I was on an advance slope, and on my bum. I was on my bum pretty much the whole way down, even on the last final steep slope when I took my skis off as my legs were now filled with jelly, I still slid down on my bum!!! I could barely stand up on the skis, let alone turn or, well, do anything! One of Sam's friends took pity and took me to the green slope - the beginners slope and successfully built up my confidence. I went down at the end well, turning and not landing on my bum (well not quite as much... was getting around 10 turns in before I panicked and fell hehe) But it was so much fun and I'm ready and waiting for my next trip up (will make sure I head straight to the green slope first!) And well going up all depends on if I get a job this week really. So I need everyone to keep fingers and toes crossed for us both and think work related thoughts! Thankyou!

Right best go and recover and tend to my bruised bottom!

Happy birthday to the birthday folk last week- Mother Duck, Paul and neil! Hope you all had a wonderful day! It was so wonderful to speak to you MD and PB on wednesday- it really made my week, more so than the glaciers thank you!

Love to all and I shall write again soon xxxxxx


8th June 2009

Just to let you know, we've got EVERYTHING crossed for you... Good Luck! xxxx
8th June 2009

Hi Sally. Sound like your having an amazing time and believe me you won't have fallen over as many times as Mum when we went skiing last year and she didn't even get off the beginner's slope! We had a surprize party at the weekend for grandpa's bday/retirement (i recovered from mumps in time), we didn't tell mamma either, her face was a picture to say the least. Have a fantastic time and i hope it doesn't get too cold. Chloe xx
11th June 2009

Hi Sal...sounds like your having an amazing time!! skiing sounds painful...when i went my form of stopping involved using groups of small children as a crash barrier!give it ago they tend to work quite well! Good luck finding a now on that road in England! not fun! much love xxx

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