Change of pace and a special day

November 3rd 2005
Published: November 3rd 2005
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After all the activity it was time to slow down a bit with a bit of 'tramping'. However we couldn't resist a couple more trips before the tramp so we stopped off on the way to Queenstown for a river surfing trip - 2 trips down a 5km grade 3 section of the Kawarau river with only a glorified body board and a few guides for company. The trip was great fun with lots of white water and the odd small whirlpool to 'play in'. We then headed for Queenstown the self styled adventure capital of the world. As we approached we saw the Kawarau bungy and couldn't resist watching a few 'victims' waddle to the edge of the platform and then dive down towards the river beneath. For once we decided to pass up the opportunity. For Lord of the Rings fans (that's you Jim) this was the site of the two statues on the river in the Fellowship.

Toni and I had a relaxing afternoon whilst Jules and Becca went for a paragliding descent off Coronet peak. It was also time to part company with Sputnik (our Spaceship)!

The following morning we joined the Dart River safari tour which took us by coach up to Glenorchy via a couple of Lord of the Rings sites (12 mile delta with the oliphants and the top of a hill where the fight at the end of the fellowship happened). Toni was more excited than me but we were both blown away by the stunning view from Bennet's Bluff across the southern alps shortly afterwards. On arrival at Glenorchy we took a 4wd coach tour along state highway 6a through more LoR country and a short walk in natural beech forest before boarding a jet boat for a stunning 75min trip up the Dart River. Once again the clear blue skys added to the snow capped mountains gave great views.

After lunch we headed for the Routeburn Track and enjoyed a steady walk up the secluded Routeburn valley to our accomodation at the Falls Hut. Given the solitude of the track we were surprised to be joined by about 25 others. The following morning we headed off up to the Harris saddle, took a side trip up into the snow on Conical peak and then on into Fjordland National Park. On Conical peak 2 Kea birds (the only alpine parrot in the world) cornered us for amusement. While sitting there one even tried to open Toni's shoe lace! After a longish day's walk we were glad to arrive at Howden Hut just as a few spots of rain started to fall. The forecast for the following day was 'fine' so we went to bed hopeful for a good day as we were heading for Milford Sound.

On the short walk out the following day we stopped at Key Summit to see a spectacular panoroma provided by the Fjordland National Park with hardly a cloud in the sky. We couldn't believe our luck when the skies stayed this clear for our entire day in Milford Sound - a truly magical place! (more details to follow when we have more money)


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